The Human Beings’ Finest Hour: Britain Bans Fox Hunting

 Silverwolf has been commissioned by the Wolfmen’s Institute, due to his remarkable longevity (362 years and going strong) and the brilliance of his literary style, to write a historical review of what he would consider as the greatest achievement of the late, great, Human Race, extinct exactly 100 years now, in this year of 2288.

After pondering long and hard, and even on a midnight dreary, he finally came up with Man’s greatest accomplishment in the waning centuries of this peculiar and singular species, though it was hard to choose between this and the campaigns of 2008 and 2012 of Congressman Ron Paul, a last gasp desperate attempt by Jeffersonian lovers of Republican Civil Rights, administered by a system of democratic election, to wrest power from the Collectivist and Statist forces that had pretty much pushed around the world for the previous 100 years and before. Sometimes those forces were individuals; sometimes they were blocks, based on industry, profits, or more rarely ideology. Paul’s candidacy, and the feeble Libertarian flame that flickered and was quickly doused by the Democrat-Republican mainstream bi-partisan necrosis, marked the last expression of political liberty in the history of the human race. From Jefferson to the French Revolution and back to Pelosi-McConnellism all in 200 short years, after tens of thousands of years of human tyranny and bullyboys ruling the roost. Too bad.

Besides the Paul campaign, the only remarkable achievement of man since Antonioni shot “The Red Desert” in the early 60s, was the banning of fox hunting in Great Britain, which took place on February 18, 2005, and it is this event, rather than the Paul campaign or the Antonioni masterpiece, that marks the Zenith of Human Kind, in Silverwolf’s opinion; from thence it was all downhill for the “hairless ape”.

Not that the ban was easy to get through. It was passed by the House of Commons, but modified and in effect nullified by the House of Lords. This happened twice in late 2004, and the arm-wrestling continued in the courts until the High Court ruled that the Parliamentary act was not unconstitutional, paving the way for implimentation.

‘ Course, the sadists were given exemptions: they could still hunt foxes with birds of prey, or use two dogs to flush them out, after which they could be shot.

The digusting politician Blair admitted in an interview with Bloomberg News, that he had tried to sabotage the very bill which he and his party were putting forth in Parliament. What an honest politician!

But the sabotage failed, and the ban still had widespread support in Britain, even as late as 2011, showing that many Human Beings there were still opposed to Blood Sport, even though they routinely ate meat. It shows that the basic sentiment of people in the “social democracies” was fairly decent, though not enough to make them give up their “bangers and mash” or fish and chips. Nor was it uniform, as nearly 30% continued to favor terrorizing a little fox, and then having it pulled apart live by wild dogs, a fate which Silverwolf doubts any of those participating in the sadistic exercise would wish visited on themselves or their children. Silverwolf has met little foxes. They’re nice, as long as they don’t eat the cats.

Of course the three unharnessables finally brought down the Homo Sapiens, whom we Silverwolves call Saps for short: the nuclear proliferation of materials, the climatic wobblies, and the nannobot unions.

Fortunately the nukes didn’t go off in time, before Mankind was wiped out. That would have taken all us Silverwolves with them, and we’d have had to go back to the cockroach brain to start the evolutionary process again, instead of the highly sophisticated cerebellum of the Silverwolf. So that saved G-d a lot of misery and evolutionary work. Whew!

With the climate they weren’t so fortunate. Whether the debate was that the earth was heating up or cooling down, the fact was that the summers were getting hotter and hotter, and the winters were getting colder and colder. And more and more humans were getting wiped out due to the weather, and the increased demands on the retiree’s support system as the population aged. The politicians vowed they’d never ration care, as the politicians rationed care. And the elderly populations of Japan, Australia, America, Canada, Russia and the “Republics”, and Europe plunged, year after year.

Of course this led to the final catastrophe, the Great Flu Epidemic of 2188, where the flu was so widespread that the government negotiated with the Nannobot’s Union for a higher mils per hour minimum wage, in exchange for working overtime. Unfortunately, the little workaholic buggers, when introduced into the human bloodstream, tended to replicate themselves so thoroughly that the human soon became nothing but a pile of nannobot goo, resembling a large mound of gray, rotting mushrooms.

And that’s how this both noble and ignoble race or species met its undigified end; a sad conclusion to an experiment that G-d thought would supply a drab earth (intellectually speaking) with a little salty cerebral sophistication. Well, at least He doesn’t have to go back to the cockroach, thanks to our wolfen survival.

And no Governor of Alaska will be gunning us Silverwolves down from helicopters ever again.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww! — Silverwolf

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4 Responses to “The Human Beings’ Finest Hour: Britain Bans Fox Hunting”

  1. Mo Brock Says:

    You do like wolves? And Ron Paul? Or you don’t like wolves, but yes to Paul? Or no and no?

  2. Mo Brock Says:

    Some times (or maybe most of the time), I am thick as a brick. Sorry.

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