Posts Tagged ‘Gavin Newsom’

Rip-A-Roni: The San Francisco City Workers Treat

April 27, 2010

When people look at their paychecks, and see how they are being robbed blind by government, perhaps they should consider the case of the San Francisco City Workers Rip Scheme. Since San Francisco is often considered the ultra-Liberal city, bar none, in America, perhaps it is a model of what a Liberal-Democratic government thinks it should pays its workers.

It was reported today that 9, 487 San Francisco City workers grossed over $100,000 in salary last year, not including benefits. Over 1,000 grossed over $200,000, and 6 grossed over $300,000.

Have you ever seen 9,000 people massed in one area? Or even a thousand. They’re all living the life of Riley off the sweat of the poor people of San Francisco, and the toil of small, Capitalist Businessmen of that City, the real heroes, along with the minimum wage workers, of that Socialist Hell-on-Earth.

And this in a country where the average American’s gross adjusted income on a tax return usually runs between $35-50,000. Tens of millions of Americans live on far less.

See how the Socialists live off you! See how they suck your tax dollars to live a lifestyle of luxury exactly comparable to the lifestyle of the Communist Apparatchiks in Soviet Russia, with their dachas, Marlboros, bad suits and mistresses, while the “Workers Heroes” were down in the coal mines, slogging for good old Mother Russia and Papa Joe. (And they even got a medal too, if they were good boychiks.) Except now it’s America.

To pay public officials such obscenely high salaries in a country where the unions have made it illegal for a starving man, or a transient hobo, to work for less than the $8 or so that the minimum wage is currently in most states, is deeply immoral. While city Liberal bureaucrats collect over a hundred grand in public funds, not including a feather-bed benefit package, they dare to tell the starving man that he cannot take on light work for $7.50 an hour, even though he is desperate for food. Does the immorality and disgusting arrogance of these Liberals and Republicans never cease!

Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, makes $250, 903 in salary a year.Think about that, next time you’re hungry, or five bucks short on your power bill in December and they turn it off, oh praisers of big government, oh lovers of Collectivism.

We need not do anything but watch and wait to see the implosions of Socialism, as it caves in on itself into a black hole. The Socialists, whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans, will run out of money soon, and the taxpayers will not have the wherewithal to pay the bills. It’s that simple. And San Francisco is the classic example of why it will be brought about, and why Liberal Elitists not only don’t know the value of money, but think the public should keep them in the lap of luxury, just because they are Liberals. As if someone who gets up and flaps his lips for a few minutes in the name of the poorest workers is entitled to an income 100 times greater than that poorest worker, who is carrying heavy boxes, or digging ditches, for $8 an hour, forty hours a week. The average city worker in San Francisco makes in one hour roughly what the minimum wage worker, doing hard physical labor, makes in ten hours. And that should be a crime.

All top public officials in America should be paid only the minimum wage. If they were dedicated public servants, they would gladly accept it. If they don’t like it, they should not be in public service through the government. Let them make a living eating cake!

The passive wimps of the Bay Area will continue to let themselves be financially raped and taxed to death so that public officials can continue their easy cozenage and luxuriant lifestyles. If they’re willing to let themselves be exploited, that’s their problem.

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf