Posts Tagged ‘Nikolas Sarkozy’

The French Fuehrer’s Furore: The Racist Sarkozy Targets the Roma

September 8, 2010

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” , so went the great revolutionary cry that once put France at the forefront of a Libertarian  movement against human tyranny. But no more. It seems the older the French Republic gets, the worse it gets, and the more and more racist it grows.

But now France has crossed the line from merely a racist, bigoted society, to one that is actively fanning the flames of ethnic hatred, as that Fascist, Racist Miscreant, Nikolas Sarkozy, comes out with one of the most disgusting and xenophobic diktats in the midst of Europe since the days of the Nazi Criminals. Sarkozy has indiscriminately libeled a whole people, the Roma, more commonly but inaccurately known as Gypsies, from a misnomered, mistaken old idea that the Roma originated in Egypt. Sarkozy said that the Roma were engaged in crime, exploitation of children, drug trafficking, and prostitution, and ordered that their squatter camps be dismantled and the inhabitants “evacuated” out of the country. And this, despite the fact that under the EU rules, people are allowed to enter France if they are from a member country, and so it is quite possible that some of these people in these camps are there completely legally ( a person from the EU can stay in France up to three months, unless they are deemed a security threat, although after that they are supposed to get work-permits and long-term residency visas).

But what is so Racist about Sarkozy’s anti-Libertarian diktat is that it singles out a single group of people, and not only singles out that one group, but also demonizes all members of that group by saying “they engage in…” and then listing, coincidentally, the exact same canards and racist stereotypes that Hitler used against these same people, when he and the Nazis and the German Nation murdered between 500,000 and 1.5 million Roma it is estimated (many were buried in unmarked mass graves, perhaps like the one that was dug up yesterday in Slovakia left over from the Nazi murder spree in WW II). Note that Sarkozy didn’t say “We’re going to check the papers of every single person living in France, and anyone, of any ethnic background, who is here illegally will be driven to the border immediately post haste and deported to their country of origin”.

No, only the Roma.

Not only is this one of the most disgusting actions undertaken by a Western leader that Silverwolf can recall, stinking of the old segregationist South and the scat smell of Hitler’s brownshirts, it is rendered even more disgusting by the fact that, according to the BBC, 65% of the French public support these racist expulsions.

“Socialist, leftist, progressive France”. The myth that Leftists leave no odor has been busted. Racism is the fruit of Socialism, whether one calls it the French Left, the Soviet Union, the EU, Nasser’s Egypt, or El Gordo Chavez of Caracas. All a bunch of Racist Scum. France, with its vast “progressive” unions, is always braying about the “solidarity” of the workers, and all of humanity. But when their exorbitant wages, and cushy retirements are threatened by labor competition from nomads like the Roma, the government makes it virtually impossible to get a work permit, while declaring those without work-permits illegal and deportable. This guarantees a supply of cheap, exploitable labor for the French, which can be thrown out of the country at whim, while maintaining the overvalued wage and benefit packages of the union workers and the public sector employees, at the expense usually of the unemployable French youth just graduating from college or high school, and the pay packets of all non-union, non-government, workers holding jobs. A very similar economic mechanism can be seen in the U.S., with immigrant labor from south of the border artificially boosting union wages at the expense of Black and White youth unemployment ( and all made possible by the restrictionist and immoral minimum wage laws).

And what is further disgusting about this Racist worm, Sarkozy, is that he is probably carrying out this vile action because he is currently so low in the polls. He is exploiting the Roma for his own political gain — and Roma remember also means little girls of four and grandmas of eighty-four — forcing these people to the border in a matter of days, even though some of them had lived and worked in France for years, or supported themselves independently by means of, say, scrapping metal. Those individuals who have committed no crime under Libertarian Doctrine, and who have actually contributed to trade and Capitalism within France during their sojourn there, are now to be demonized in the same blanket, stereotypical, racist language that the War Criminal Hitler used against the Jews and the Roma.

Only this is not Hitler, but the leaders of one of the great supposedly Libertarian nations in modern history; a counterpart to the American Revolution, and, in many ways, Cromwell’s Glorious Revolution of 1688. And a “leader”, incidentally, who appeared before the world, at the G-8 meeting in 2009, drunk out of his gourd, after boozing it up with Valery Puta, the brave whale-murderer. (Ain’t it too bad whales don’t have harpoons to fight back against their murderers? For once, the rapist raped would make such a heartwarming world news story.) This drunken racist should look in the mirror before he defames an entire people.

For Sarkozy to do this is a great Moral Crime, and Libertarians, who de rigueur view all  people solely as Individuals, without the racist image, and never as members of some notional group that does not really exist in reality, should oppose it. There is only the Human Race, composed of Individuals, although the Consciousness of Mankind is actually a Collective Consciousness (most of it fixed and fossilized in books), with every new discovery expanding it. But the Racists and the Collectivists must get people to think in terms of groups, or else their entire false ideologies fall apart like dried leaves grasped by the hand of Truth. And that is why and how they have managed to divide us into groups: ethnic, nationalistic, religious. All notional phantoms.

So  the Inebriate Sarkozy brands an entire people or group of Human Beings as criminals, exploiters of children, drug traffickers, prostitutes and thieves, pandering to the lowest forms of prejudice in men, like a Jules Streicher, Lester Maddox, Strom Thurmond, Cur Oswald Moseley, or Theodore Bilbo. And  this despite the fact that there must be many many individuals amongst the Roma who have never broken the law, or what a Libertarian would consider a valid law (a property crime through coercion against another). He’s a Defamer, a Racist Whore.

Libertarians have only three choices for taking direct action against the Racist Sarkozy and the Racist French Nation that backs this action by 65%. We should boycott France, and those who can afford it and understand the markets should short the Euro if advantageous, to make the populace of a Racist country pay the price in terms of getting hit in the wallet with more inflation.

The other thing we can do is to demand that our American government stop paying for the defense of these Racist-Socialist Paris-ites by no longer funding that portion of the defense budget that goes towards protecting France through NATO. These French Socialists whine about how bad the Romas are, calling them thieves and beggars, while simultaneously they steal American taxpayer’s money to sponge their defense needs off us, and while begging money from the IMF to pay for their profligate lifestyle, money provided again by the US Taxpayer. So it is the Racist-French and the Fascist Sarkozy who are the real beggars and thieves, not the poor Roma who are the longterm victims of a Socialism which has been permitted to castrate European prosperity.

One of the marks of a great society is its willingness to tolerate the outsider. What does this action make France? Vichy France.

From the heights of the great anti-Nazi Liberation Fighters and Writers Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Simone de Beauvoir, down to the depths of Nikolas Sarkozy: The Great Degeneration.

The ultimate goal of every Racist is the murder of little girls and old women.

Sarkozy, you’re Scum.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf