Obama Backs The Ukrainian Nazis: At Your Throat or At Your Feet

There’s an old saying about Nazis that Barack Obama seems to have forgotten or never heard: Nazis, they’re either at your throat or at your feet. By backing the new Nazi so-called “Government” of the Svoboda Party and the Right Sektor in Kiev, President Obama has committed one of the greatest political mistakes of this century so far, and it is truly disgusting, but not surprising, to see the sickening hypocrisy of Obama, John Kerry, and Ms. Rodham as they carry out this destabalization of Russia’s border region by bringing to power, and endorsing, a regime with racist values so sickening, that they are fit for the KKK. In America, anyone who exhibits the slightest racism is condemned by the Democrats as some unspeakable horror, but here they are staunchly supporting a bunch of Jew-hating, and Russian-hating racists.

The following excellent article by Prof. Mark Chussodovsky not only lists the proofs for the assertion that this is a Nazi regime, but also proves it with photos. Here is the Racist Tanybuk giving the Nazi salute, and here is a beaming Nuland standing smiling with the Nazi racist Scum. Obama has legitimized Fascism, and here is the proof.


The BBC too finally did a report on the Nazi elements in Svoboda and Right Sektor, interviewing the head of a militia that is tied to the Svoboda party. He blamed Ukraines problems on the economic control of the economy by “Russians, Jews, and Poles”. So we can see what is coming. These racist divisionists, who breed discord and hate in society, now control the Defense Ministry and five top cabinet posts in the regime, and you can be sure they will follow the same plan as the Nazis did in Germany when they took over. Anyone wanting to know in detail how this was done should read the vital work, “The Nazi Seizure of Power” by William Sheridan Allen, published by Franklin Webb, inc., 1973. In this work, Allen describes how the Nazis took over a medium-sized German town, mainly by getting all the Socialists, Social Democrats, and anyone who opposed them fired. Part of the reason they took over too was the namby-pamby whimpish resistance of the Socialists and Social Democrats in comparison to the fanaticism of the Nazis. The Ukrainian Nationalist Nazis plan to eliminate many government positions in the name of saving money and purging corrupt officials, but you can be sure that the axe will fall on ethnic Russian, Jews, Poles, and Communists. The Nazis will control the cops; they will be the cops, and they ain’t going to stop there. These Nazis want violence, and anyone who thinks they will not exhibit their violence once they’re in power should watch the BBC report on them.

The following informative posts by anti-Fascist Historian Dave Emory, in addition to those of his we mentioned in our previous post, also round out the picture of the Nazi stink in Kiev that the Western media is ignoring. The Confederate Stars and Bars is now disgustingly displayed in Kiev Square, and Peace Street has been renamed after the mass murder’s Nazi batallion. Thanks, Obama. You’ve stabbed the Nazi’s 40 million victims in the back, and condoned and encouraged the modern Skinhead movement, while managing to re-inflame the long-embered Cold War.



As you know from previous posts, Silverwolf is no lover of Vladimir Putin, but in this case, we think he is right. The deposed democratically-elected President has been overthrown by mobs of anarchists; he carried over 70% of the vote in Crimea and close to that in the East according to the BBC map of how Ukraine voted, and here are a bunch of racist Nazis threatening Russians, Jews, and Poles. They murder six cops in the demonstrations. They rename a street after the batallion that fought with the Germans and carried out mass murder of Poles and Jews, they daub Nazi slogans on a statue of Lenin, and wear the armbands of the OUN/B Ukrainian Nationalists who fought with Hitler, but Obama and the West and the Western Media are completely silent, showing how deeply corrupt is the Democratic Party, the West in general, and the Western news media.

Silverwolf watched Putin addressing the press, and it was the first time he’d ever watched him during an interview. One noticed the animation of his visage as he went through an entire series of facial movements, while he sounded like he was talking rather calmly. He pointed out the hypocrisy of the Americans, and explained that a democratically-elected President who had been violently deposed had asked for his intervention, that there were close cultural, ethnic, and economic ties to the Russian population in Ukraine, and he intended to go in and protect those people if they were threatened or killed.

President Obama seems to have no inkling whatsoever of the psychological impact  in Russia of having 20 million of their people murdered in Hitler’s war, and the rage that must be welling up in people who have heard from their grandparents and parents what the Germans, with the aid of their Ukrainian OUN/B allies, did during World War II. Obama seems to have huge lapses of judgement that make him a real liability as President. We always thought that a man who could attend for twenty years a congregation that gave its man of the year award to the racist and Jew-baiter, Louis Farrakhan, must be either very callous, very dull, or a crypto-anti-Semite. Maybe he’s all three?

Obama has managed to rekindle the Cold War in order to destabilize a democratically-elected regime. If Yanukovich was corrupt, and he sure was, he should have been tried and jailed, as would have happened in an orderly, democratic or republican society with a Bill of Rights. But he was overthrown by a mob led by racist Nazis, and Vladimir Putin is not going to sit around with his finger up his ear and let the Nazis destabilize his Western borders. And by the way, if Obama is such a lover of Democracy, why does he object to Crimea holding a referendum on whether to join Russia or not? We’re told the Crimea is an “autonomous region” within Ukraine, so if they are truly autonomous, why should they not vote democratically on their future? If Obama truly believed in Democracy, he would endorse this referendum. But he’s as wooden and robotic as George Dubbyah; just another immoral politican.

Unfortunately, it’s just a matter of time we think before the Nazi stink starts rising from Kiev and its environs. At your throat or at your feet is no empty observation.

Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Hilary Clinton have revived the Nazi State, to their great shame, and the misery of all the non-Nazis in the Ukraine. They will regret it, and be damned and reviled when the final history of Fascism and Nazism is written.

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

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