Posts Tagged ‘Californian prison force-feeding’

The Libertarian Cure for a Vile,Violent World

August 24, 2013

Look what a mess the Politicians are making around the world, and no one is stopping it. Assad chemically gasses a thousand people — one supposes that the previous tens of thousands of murders by Assad weren’t enough for the castrated heads of the “international community” and the UN to carpet-bomb him. A few days before, hundreds of people are gunned down in Cairo, the same people who claimed to be non-violent while they torched 61 churches and murdered Coptic Christians in a Muslim Brotherhood Kristallnacht against the Christians in Egypt. A few days later, 36 prisoners are gassed to death in a van, while their comrades in philosophy shoot 24 soldiers in the back of the head in the Sinai.

The BBC reports on sadistic gulag prison conditions that occur routinely in Kazakhstan, while new reports coming out on North Korea refer to the horrendous prison conditions in the many gulags there. But Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama and David Cameron and Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel and Kevin Rudd do nothing about it, even though the North Korean Kim Gang and the top military leadership could have been and should have been carpet-bombed into oblivion years ago. Evidently Human Rights — the Natural Law Rights of the Libertarians or Classical Liberals — means very little to these Politicians. To them, it means collaborating with whole gangs of murderers and torturers who would get the death penalty in many states in America, and life in prison in Europe if they could be brought to justice. But because they call themselves Heads of State, the Western Politicians collaborate with them, and  thus themselves are guilty of complicity in murder, obviously.

And Hilary Clinton finally got her pro-Arab propaganda on American TV in the form of Al-Jazeera, the mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood, and their violently anti-Semitic, anti-Christian hatred. Mrs. Clinton, you will recall, whitewashed the station on March 2nd, 2011, by extolling the quality of its “real news”. “Well, if our Beloved Hilary loves it, it must be OK”, clicks the robot-like brain of most Democrats, and anyone who attacks it will be considered a “reactionary Republican” or an alarmist. And ain’t it interesting that Al Gore, that supposed supporter of Israel, sold his broadcast license to an anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic. Monarchy-owned station. Careful Democrats, your Jimmy Carter scabs are starting to show through your well-taylored clothes. Now the American public will be subjected day and night to the pro-Arab, Jew-hating propaganda of the Emir of Qatar and his emirate, another bastion of the violation of Natural Human Rights. Just what the world needs, the return of the legitimacy of Monarchy, one of the most bestial forms of government ever thought up. Silverwolf will be sure he never ever watches Al-“Nazi”ra.

Meanwhile, over in South Africa, it’s been a year since 34 Black miners were gunned down by the Government’s police, but nobody has been prosecuted or brought to justice. This is an example of the corruption and injustice that Socialist Regimes always bring to their people, although when they were out of power they themselves cried for justice. The crimes of the Botha Regime are now being carried out with impunity by the ANC. See, Blacks and Whites are equal — equally depraved.

But turning to the “civilized” West, we find that in Australia, a country the size of America with less population than California, they don’t seem to have enough room for a few tens of thousands of refugees fleeing Fascist-like regimes in South and Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Under the sadistic policy of the Left-wing Labour Party and its shrew, Choleria Gizzard, and her replacement, Kevin “Bloody” Rudd, these incredibly harried and brave people, probably mostly seeking asylum because of the physical persecution of themselves or their communities, are to be detained and segregated in “detention camps” in Papua New Guinea, a place with a horrendous rape and unemployment problem, and will never be admitted to Aussie-Nirvana. Somehow these Middle Easterners and Tamils are supposed to “integrate” into a completely foreign culture to theirs, which cannot even employ all its own citizens, and which is incredibly violent. What a bunch of lice are the Aussie politicians, both Labour and so-called Liberal.

And in Italy, we see an old Nazi War Criminal, a mass murderer of young boys and old men, living a comfortable retired life in an apartment, free to come and go shopping, and supposedly under “house arrest” — this the decision of the Italian Government and Courts. The 335 murdered old men and young boys this man helped shoot in the back of the head have lain in their graves for 69 years, while Erich Priebke has enjoyed a comfortable life in Argentina and now Italy, and nothing is done about it. At the least, Priebke should be kept in chains in solitary, and forced to wash prison dishes all day long for his plate of gruel, until he dies. Is there not one person in Italy willing to bring justice to Erich Priebke, SS War Criminal?

And over in our own Paradise, in Mr. Moonbeam’s “cool” California, prisoners, who have been on hunger strike to protest the horrendous numbers of people being sadistically kept in solitary confinement for years, are going to be force-fed against their wills, a vile violation of Libertarian self-ownership of one’s body. Prisoners should never be force-fed in jails, although if a prisoner goes on hunger strike, the custodial authorities should then be let off the hook as far as their responsibility in keeping the prisoner healthy and alive. If a Prisoner chooses to fast himself to death, or to the point where he passes out, he should be allowed to do so, although once he is passed out, it is permissible to give him nourishment or other physical succor, since he is not objecting at all at that moment of unconsciousness. Just because they are imprisoned, prisoners do not lose their inalienable right to self-ownership, so well defined in Libertarian Doctrine. That right is merely circumcised in the circumference of its practice by the confinement of the cell. But within the Prisoner’s skin, he is still King, or even better, Jeffersonian Citizen of America. What a phoney, classic Politician is Governor Jerry Brown.

The only antidote to this horrendous violence we see in the world is a radical Libertarian Revolution in people’s political and philosophical thinking, first in the West, and then in some of the more repressive regimes that are nominally semi-Democratic but mostly Fascistic, like India and Malaysia, where there is little recourse against police brutality, and finally in the real outhouse regimes, like Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Syria and North Korea. China will undergo an internal Libertarian Revolution eventually, perhaps after they have been allowed to read the blogs of Silverwolf; after all, it is the home of Taoism, that Radically-Libertarian Religion or Philosophy.

Only such a Libertarian Revolution in consciousness and economic thinking, and a bringing to justice of all the perpetrators of anti-Libertarian Human Rights Crimes around the Globe, from the highest officials, politicians, and war criminals, to the lowest cop and prison guard, will rectify the mess on our Planet. We must put the planet in order by legitimizing the Anarchy of Freedom for the Individual, Liberty, but Liberty only up to the point where it begins to aggress against another Individual, should be the Universal Doctrine of all Mankind.

Currently, we have true Anarchy without any Individual Rights in this world, the world created by the Politicians and Governments. Let’s jail the Criminals and vote the Bums out!

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf