Archive for September, 2013

Ron Paul Self-Taints: Hanging Out with the Racists

September 27, 2013

Ron Paul’s recent speaking engagement at a fundraiser for a Holocaust-denying, renegade Catholic priest, who has been thrown out of the Church by the Vatican, combined with his nearly simultaneous interview of the anti-Semite, Julian Assange, on Paul’s web channel, have seriously damaged his credibility in this observer’s eyes, and makes us wonder if our long support of Ron Paul and his principles was mis-directed.

On the Principles for which he has argued, and they are the Jeffersonian Principles of Good Governance, the Natural Rights Liberty of the Individual, and the Free-Market, we have little disagreement.  After reading of the allegations against Ron Paul, many times seemingly blown up and repeated over and over by the liberal-left Democratic media without quoting the actual abuses, and given the economic value to the vested interests that benefit from all the abuses in America that Ron Paul has argued against over and over, — given these two factors, we thought. during his two campaigns, that Ron Paul was being unfairly smeared by the Democratic Left, But these old allegations. in combination with Ron Paul’s recent hobnobbing with two notorious Holocaust-denying Jew-haters, make us believe that they could well be true. Ron Paul may mostly espouse the truth in his speeches, but these recent associations with Racists have tainted him irreparably in our view, and we’re pretty sure they will go on to taint his son when he runs for the Presidency, because if Rand Paul gains political momentum, then his father’s recent associations with Nazi ideologues will be brought up again and again, ruining his chances by association, and then the nation would be cursed with another Democratic Administration for at least four years. One might see 90% of a block of the largest minorities  in America voting in lock-step against Rand Paul, instead of voting for whomever the Democrats push up there as their next dummy, simply because of his father’s hobnobbing with pretty vicious Racists.

Evidently what outed Assange’s racism was an article in Private Eye magazine by the editor, Ian Hilsop, which pointed out the long association between Julian Assange and the Holocaust-denier and notorious anti-Semite, Israel Shamir ( so labelled by both the leftwing British daily, the Guardian, and also the NY Times). According to Hilsop, when Assange read the article, he called Hilsop, and accused him and two other editors of being part of a “Jewish Conspiracy” against him, although Hilsop isn’t Jewish, and the other two editors had Gentile mothers. Likewise Assange accused the producer of a BBC report critical of Wikileaks and Assange as having a “Zionist” wife, although the editor said that the charge was proposterous, pointed out that neither he nor his wife were even Jewish, and that she had never had any association with Zionism. Given the BBC’s own anti-Semitism in censoring listener responses critical of Arabs, but permitting blatantly anti-Semitic comments from Muslims, as well as the Guardian’s hypercritical attitude towards Israel, it is obvious that Assange has begun to revert to labelling anyone who points out his rotten associations with Racists, as being either part of a “Jewish Conspiracy” against him or a “Zionist”, the behaviour of a typical denuded Nazi.

Assange’s cyberparty, the Wikileaks Party, which campaigned in the recent Australian elections, and which Assange said in the Ron Paul interview was gaining 25-28% in pre-election polls. apparently crashed and burned when it turned on its proposed alliance with the environmentalist Green Party, and endorsed neo-Fascist parties like the Shooter’s Party, which wants to be able to go into any Australian National Park and murder defenseless animals at will, and the Australia First party, a foreigner-hating bunch of  White foreigners who stole Australia from the Aborigines. Evidently, that awoke the Australian Greens to the real meaning of the Wikileaks Party, and the Party melted down, receiving 0.62% of the vote, after Assange’s above prediction on TV of polling 25-28%. Quite a melt down.

Tragically, these are the type of folks that Ron Paul gives speeches for, and has on his TV show. It might be that Ron Paul is willing to talk to anyone, no matter if they are a racist or not, but personally we wonder how any true Libertarian could hold racist views, since Libertarians regard all men as being equally endowed with certain unalienable Rights, and a racist would have to view some men as being unequally endowed, or not having free-will at all because of their  genetic heritage.  Personally, we think a Racist differs little from a Communist or Socialist who would rob a man of the fruits of his labor, and one should have no contact with either. Both are haters, one of a race, the other of an entire economic class, and one contaminates oneself if one hangs out with either of them, although non-racist Socialists and Libertarians could work together politically on Civil Rights issues, like the Right to Privacy, or opposition to Corporate subsidies, or opposing a peacetime draft or “national service”, or protecting Nature to preserve Capitalism and Life on Earth. Both Racists and Communists would employ terror or violence, and whip up animus against their chosen targets; a Libertarian never, except for an animus against war, injustice, and environmental rape.

Nor should one conclude that all Ron Paul supporters or admirers of Julian Assange are necessarily or even mostly Fascists or Nazis. On the contrary, we’d say that the vast majority of Ron Paul’s rank-and-file supporters are rabidly anti-Fascist, which is why they admire him and what he has said in his campaigns so much. Likewise, many Julian Assange admirers have no idea of his connections with the foaming-at-the-mouth Jew-hater, Israel Shamir (a pseudonym). What they see is someone speaking out against the massive invasions of Privacy conducted by so many world governments, and the subjugation of the Individual around the globe. One might classify them generally as anarcho-utopians, which is pretty far from Hitlerism or Russian Stalinism.

We believe the principles of the Free-Market, of Individual Liberty, and the defense of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, are the best prophylactics against the Nazi disease, a disease of Collectivism in combination with Racism. Jeffersonian Libertarianism virtually precludes the establishment of such a Nazi state or system. In fact, if Ron Paul is a crypto-Nazi as some have alleged, then it is ironic that his campaigning has done more to establish a broad anti-Nazi, anti-Totalitarian mentality in the American Electorate than perhaps any other modern-day American politician, and possibly, if his motives are really to establish a Nazi State as some allege, he is so stupid as to actually have initiated widespread attitudes against Nazism and Authoritarianism in the American Public.

Ron Paul should consider that the fees he earned at the Fatima “Peace” Conference, and his friendly interview with Julian Assange on his station, may mean in the long run that Senator Ted Cruz becomes President of the United States, instead of Senator Rand Paul. As Martin Bright, a British Labour Party political analyst, explained so well, “If you choose to tolerate or defend a nasty antisemite, it is only a matter of time before people begin to wonder if you are a nasty antisemite yourself.”  And as wise Ben Franklin observed, “He who lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas.”

Why are you scratching your head, Dr. Paul?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

West Coast Democrats Crucify Black Youth: The Minimum Wage Law Nail

September 24, 2013

It looks like Democratic Governors Jerry Brown and John Kitzhaber have been taking turns smashing that final bolt into the right hand of Black Youth as they nail them down from any opportunity to earn some money, and crucify them with inaction at a time in their lives when they desperately need money, and the experience of handling it.

California’s raise of its minimum wage to $10/hr, and Oregon’s to $9.15/hr will crucify the Black Youth of both states, for, at such absurdly high wage levels, it is highly unlikely that many of them will be able to make enough profit for their employers that it becomes profitable to hire them. As usual, the well-fed, well-paid Democratic and Republican legislators who passed these heinous Bills will not mention the horrendous effects it will have on hundreds of thousands of lives in these two States. The Black Youth who will remain unemployed, though a job just came up that could have employed him at the old minimum wage rate but which can’t afford to employ him at the new one, and the White teenager who will also remain unemployed, or be laid off because his employer is now losing money on his labor, not making it, — both of these are the primary victims of the Democrat’s vile and successful attempt to disemploy them, so as to eliminate competition in the labor market and thus artificially boost the wages of union workers, who can live high on the misery of young Blacks.

What gives these millionaire and near-millionaire White Men the Right to ruin the lives of these young Black Men with their Fascistic minimum wage law, one of the key demands of the Communist manifesto? What gives these arrogant mountebank politicians the Right to keep a young Black Man unemployed for years in his youth, never gaining the skills he might have gained on a job if he had freely negotiated his wage with his employer on the Free-Market, as Free Men do, but who must submit himself to the Fascist whims of Rich White Men in the California and Oregon Legislatures, just as the Southern Slaves had to submit themselves to the whims of their Miscreant White Owners, Criminals all. And Rich White Men Politicians can include Blacks and Latinos, to their shame, as they vote to hold down those that share their cultural background and knowledge.

But the minimum wage law does not just crucify Black Youth disproportionally, it also cruelly victimizes two other groups in society: the small business man and the consumer on a fixed income, such as a government pension.

The small business man, better known as a Capitalist, is now forced to either make less profit, which will mean the end of his business if he was just scraping by before the minimum wage rise, or to put up the price of his goods to cover the wage cost increase, since it is generally estimated that labor costs constitute roughly 70% of the final cost of a product. This, in turn, causes more inflation in society, and inflation is what brings about social chaos and Fascism. The Democrats, so ignorant of economics, are bringing about the rise of the Nazis with their minimum wage increases.

The final group to be crucified by the Democrat’s minimum wage hike are the millions in these two States on fixed incomes, who can barely keep up with the tripleing and quadrupleing of the cost of their basic necessities that the Democrat’s inflation (with much help from the FED and Quisling-Republicans) has engineered in the last seven years. Now that the minimum wage has tragically hit $10, fresh accelerations in inflation will be forthcoming, and many elderly will die as they cut back on food and heat. But don’t expect the Democratic legislators and Governors to be charged with their murder, or to attend their funerals. Just like the lives of the Young Black Men which have been ruined by this law, just like the lives of the White teenagers that have been derailed by this law, just like the lives of the many Free-Market Capitalist small Businessmen who will have to shut their doors, or never open them in the first place, and just like the lives of the elderly Democratic pensioner, whose lifetime pension has just been significantly reduced in its purchasing power by inflation, — just like all these groups, the deaths of the elderly from self-neglect will not be reported in the press.  And just like these four groups that suffer such damage from this malevolent law, so too will this Fascistic, inflationary, Government intrusion into the Free Market for Labor hurt you, as you pay through the nose for every little service. These Miscreants have destroyed the value of the Dollar, and vomited on the ideas of Saving and Frugality.

California and Oregon Democrats —- you wanted inflation and unemployment and you’re going to get it. Enjoy your poverty, Fascists!

Hooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

America’s Young Adults: Buried Alive in Boredom

September 21, 2013

Silverwolf feels a great sympathy for America’s youths and young adults, who are buried alive in boredom in a Socialist society that gives them very little Liberty, and offers them very little except years of drudgery. It is no wonder that youths turn to all kinds of absurd escapes from this condition, not realizing how they are being exploited by the elders, or even angry about it. They seem lost in the same world of cigarettes, beer, and idle chasing after “pleasure” that people were lost in in the 1920s or 1950s or the 1980s. Only now we have the added problems of mass obesity and a tattoo culture that views the body as an object, instead of a process of energy manifesting itself as Liberty.  American Youth reacts with conditioned responses to the problems created by the environment, the environment being other people and the government. Most of us have been dragooned into government schools at an early age, and the brainwashing starts with the robot-like Pledge of Allegiance, with its blasphemous overthrow of Separation of Church and State, — a Vile insult to Jefferson, Atheists, Agnostics, and Libertarian Believers who want to keep religion out of government, which means innoculating government against religious tyranny, something they could well do with in Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Gaza, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Burma.

In the five years Obama has been President, what has he done to educate America’s youth as far as diet goes? Why are 70-80% of the young adult women and men obese or grossly overweight? If Government Schools are so great, why have they not educated the youth in nutrition? Why do they dare serve junk food to youth, and then force you to pay for the medical bills those junk food diets will ultimately bring? Virtually all school districts in America receive some kind of federal aid. Why is not banning junk food from school cafeterias and vending machines a federal requirement to receive Federal Aid?

The reason, simply put, is because Obama is a corporate stooge, and he will not do anything that will hurt corporate profits, which will in turn hurt the stock market, which will in turn hurt his popularity with the middle class,  and since it is major corporations that manufacture the bulk of junk food, and since there are vast sums at stake in supply schools with junk food, instead of only natural foods with no additives or salt, nothing will change under Obama. This change could have been accomplished in a few days, but Obama is such a revolutionary, that he has not been able in five years to mumble the words, or issue another of his executive orders, banning junk foods at all government schools in America. Now that is real change, Democrat-style.

America has nothing to offer its youth, except blood, sweat, tears, tatoos, unemployment, drugs, and pornography,  thanks to the Damnable Minimum Wage Law, that Communist piece of obscenity and War on the Young, and the lousy Democrat and Republican politicians who support it.

Rise up, American Youth, vote out the Politicians who hold you down and violate your Human Right to Work and Contract, and vote in the Libertarians, who will liberate you from the economic tyranny of the Bipartisans and their Government Schools.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Obama Finally Gets One Right: The Syrian Massacre

September 11, 2013

As one who has ripped the President, rhetorically speaking, since his inception in office, it gives Silverwolf great pleasure to finally agree almost wholeheartedly with the President, and to stand against the majority of his erstwhile Libertarian and Ron Paul-Republican colleagues in their opinions.

For the first time in history, Silverwolf watched a complete Obama speech from beginning to end, for up to this point it had been a question, after three or four minutes of watching or listening, as to whether Silverwolf could reach the door in time to not regurgitate his vegan muck all over the new Axminster.

But tonight Silverwolf listened to Obama, because for once their views were almost congruent. Silverwolf had called for a blasting of the Syrian War Criminal Assad and his top entourage for a long time before the President finally came to the same proposal, and a meally-mouthed proposal at that — targeted strikes against the chemical weapons stashes only — but never a serious attempt to obliterate that gang of terrorists known as the Syrian Government of Child-Murderer Assad by hitting Assad himself.

However, the Ron Paul-Ted Cruz wing was absolutely right in saying that the President could not go to war without the approval of Congress, but only Ron Paul and Son have pointed out the valid point that the drone strikes against various terrorist group leaders in Pakistan and Yemen are equally an act of war. If Republicans and Democrats support those drone strikes, then it follows that they should also support attacks against military and government targets of the Assad Gang of Terrorists.

Silverwolf first took President Obama’s proposal for the complete removal of Assad’s chemical weaons as a namby-pamby backdown in the face of the initial understandably negative reaction of public opinion to the proposal. But after hearing his speech, he now thinks it may be a very clever way of eventually getting to a justification, in the eyes of the American public, for an attack on the Fascist Criminal Assad, for when Assad refuses to comply, as he undoubtedly will, and since it is virtually impossible to ascertain that all chemical weapons are removed from a country as large as Syrian, then the public will feel that Assad has been given a reasonable out by a President very reluctant to use force, and very non-vindictive in tone in his speech. Indeed, the President seemed to speak tonight in terms of the sorrow inflicted by these sadistic callous brutes, rather than in anger at War Crimes that cause Silverwolf to bare his fangs, salivate profusely, and growl.  In other words, this proposal may be the President’s very cleverly crafted mode of finally getting public and congressional approval for this very necessary attack — necessary as a deterrent to any further chemical attacks from any of the Miscreant Dictators that are a curse on the people of the Earth. Every murdering one of them ought to be in chains for life, condemned to the most tediously dull labour for their daily plate of gruel and beans, or given the Freedom of Choice to starve themselves to death.

Obama may not have Constitutional authority for this attack, at least currently, but his speech put out to the People the Moral necessity of this deterrent strike very well. It is exactly the same situation, morally speaking, as Rwanda and Sarajevo, Clinton’s War Crimes of Inaction, and the Sharpville Massacre, as well as being, on a smaller scale, the exact same crime as the gassings of troops in World War I and the gassing of civilians in the Holocaust, or the napalming of Vietnamese Women and Children by the War Criminals in the U.S. military of that day, and the War Criminals in War Criminal Lyndon Johnson’s lying administration.

The War Criminal Assad’s War Crime of gassing women and children must not go unpunished; Obama is dead right on this one. For the first time, Silverwolf feels like calling him “Mr. President”.

Mr. President and Congress, please bomb the hell out of that Fascist Child-Murderer Assad! Child-murderers, tremble!

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Missile Attack on Syria vs. Drone Strikes: What’s the Difference?

September 8, 2013

It’s interesting to see the reactions of the lemmings of the Democratic Party’s Anti-War Wing, now in action to stop Obama’s retaliation against the Mass Murderer and War Criminal Assad. Every few weeks, for the past few years under Obama, the press has reported drone strikes on Islamic radicals in al-Quaeda and various other groups, and there has been far more criticism of these as a vapid, immoral, and stupid policy from the Ron Paul-Libertarian wing of the Republican Party than from any Democrats. But now that Obama is going to take the very same action against a vicious head of a Nazi-like regime, many Democrats, as well as that Repulican-Libertarian wing, are up in arms.

But how do these two actions — a missile strike on a mass murderer and his military and drone strikes on mass murderers and the heads of their militias — how do they fundamentally differ? It seems to me not very much, except that by constantly killing innocent civilians along with the guilty jihadists in these drone strikes, Obama creates a fresh huge wave of cannon-fodder recruits for the radicals. In a raid on Assad’s military, or Assad himself, probably only guilty war criminals and their assistants would suffer.

Silverwolf’s brand of Libertarianism — and we think it was Jefferson’s too — wants those Jeffersonian inalienable Natural Human Rights to extend to every single Human Being on Earth, not just in America and Western Europe. And when we see such egregious mass murder and war crimes being carried out with impunity, it seems to us that the Western Powers, with the most powerful military in the world, have some sort of moral obligation to intervene to stop the carnage and kill the Nazi. Using the use of chemical weapons as an excuse for smashing a murdering Fascist, as if all the other weapons from incendiary bombs to napalm to land mines wasn’t excuse enough, is fine with Silverwolf. Hitting the Syrian military with missile strikes is no different from the frequent hitting of Jihadists in Pakistan, and no rank-and-file Democrats or Republicans are making a big issue of that except a few like Senator Paul, although we have made an issue of it because of its murder of innocent civilians along with the guilty. So it just goes to show how hypocritical is the Democrat’s and Republican’s current opposition to missile strikes against Syria. It may be unconstitutional to hit Syria without Congressional approval, but just as unconstitutional as Obama’s frequent drone attacks, which none of these same puling politicians on Syria whine about.

So Silverwolf disagrees with most of his fellow Libertarians on this issue

Obama is right for once. Smash any Fascist who uses chemical weapons!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Inaction on Syria: Murder Under Your Feet

September 3, 2013

Spend a day in the American wilderness with the sun shining, and you’d think you’d been parachuted into heaven, unless you’re broken down, lost, and thirsty without water, in which case you might feel like you’ve been dropped somewhere else, — but precluding such emergencies, you might think you’d been given a day in paradise.

But look down to your feet. Down there, underneath the soil several thousand miles, there are people being murdered.

The British Parliamentary Left’s response to Assad’s War Crimes in Syria is disgusting. What they have done is like voting to not bomb the rail lines to the Nazi concentration camps “because they didn’t want to get involved”.

And here we must differ strongly with our political hero, Ron Paul, and the entourage around him, who oppose military action in Syria. The excuse that we will be helping Al-Quaeda or the Jihadists in the opposition forces if we hit Assad’s military, (and why not hit Assad himself?) is a thin one indeed, for if there are clearly identifiable units and militias in the opposition forces that are al-Quaeda, then does not America, or at least the Obama Administration, have a policy of hitting those groups with drones? And if they can be so identified, then should these groups not also be subject to the same treatment as Obama has used on radicals in Pakistan and Yemen, creating multitudes of new radicals as he goes by killing innocent bystanders and relatives of these radicals — far more radicals than he is killing? A stupid policy from a stupid President.

Silverwolf agrees in theory with Ron Paul that we do not need, and should not have, roughly 700 military bases around the world. Let the rich Euros and Nipponese pay for them, not the American small Capitalist. But since we violate this principle every day with NATO, and with our drone strikes on militants, then why not use our military to send a very powerful deterrent message to one of the world’s worst current War Criminals. Any military action against such a bestial Nazi is a plus for world Libertarianism, in our opinion.

It seems to us that Jeffersonian Libertarianism or Classical Liberalism has this in common with Communism and Jihadist Islam — that it seeks to establish its moral code around the world. Communism and Fanatical Organized Religion both have their need to establish their tyranny over the entire globe, or see themselves fail and self-immolate. But Libertarianism, based on the Natural Rights theory that all Human Beings have Inalienable Rights and that the true function of government is merely to guarantee and protect those Rights, prosecuting those who would violate them, — Libertarianism too has its need to spread around the globe, and become the norm for Mankind wherever he goes on the Planet. You can’t just have Libertarianism in America, and say, to hell with the 8000 dowery murders per year in India, or the thousands of executions in Red China. Here we very strongly disagree with Ron Paul’s seeming to isolate these Rights to within the borders of the United States, and to not much care about the Natural Rights violations that are going on around the globe daily. Ron Paul and his entourage are right, however, in being extremely cautious about using the military outside of America, and at the drop of a hat. Throughout history, governments have used moral arguments to get into wars for which they really had economic and sinister motives. This is true most of the time. But now that we can specifically target War Criminals and their Militaries, as in Syria and North Korea, with highly accurate missiles, Silverwolf is not going to protest any more than he’d protest every day against the presence of US bases in Europe or Japan.

And as for that Stinking British Labour Party, and George Galloway, MP, — what a bunch of self-centred collaborators with Hitlerism.

Hoooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Silverwolf’s Apologia for His Blog’s Artistic Failings

September 1, 2013

Dear Readers —

The manner in which Silverwolf has been obliged to write his blog posts has inevitably produced innumerable blemishes in them, from an artistic point of view. The significance of many posts was only developed by degrees in the progress of the blog, but the rearrangement and amendation of the blogposts, which each day’s political news continually rendered desirable, could be effected very imperfectly or sometimes not at all, due to the fact that the blog had already been published to the worldwide web by clicking the “publish” bar. Of the defects in the constructions of the blogs, due to this cause, I am painfully aware. Especially will they be apparent to any government snoop who may be at pains to peruse these posts.

I must trust to the singular attraction of the wonderful cause of Libertarianism (i.e. Classical Liberalism or Jeffersonianism) itself to render my pages agreeable in spite of their faults. For myself, I must say, in all modesty, that the most exciting novels I have ever read have failed to hold my attention with so close a grasp as has been exerted by the fascination of my own blog posts.

If my blog posts give a clear and intelligible account of the Philosophy of Libertarianism, especially as it impinges on the American Political Scene, I hope it may derive such an interest from them as will serve in part to hide, or at least to obtain an excuse for, its faults of execution.

Sincerely yours, Lobo Silverwolf, Esq.

Hoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf