Archive for October, 2013

Mussolini’s Triumph: Obamacare, America Goes Fascist

October 17, 2013

Benito Mussolini must be smiling in the ash pile, 68 years after his death,  as the United States of America goes Fascist, forcing its citizens to buy insurance from private corporations.

Mussolini summed up Fascism in these words, “Il Fascismo e il Corporatismo”, Fascism is Corporatism, and today, October 17, 2013, with the failure of the Senate to stop the implimentation of Obamacare, Fascism has been firmly established in America.

No longer will a citizen be allowed to just exist on his own, violating nobody’s property rights, and not demanding that anybody else’s property rights should be violated for his benefit. The Constitution acknowledged the Human Being’s “inalienable” Right to his Life and Liberty, and to be left alone in privacy, but now Obama and his Democrats have finally overthrown those Rights, and turned all Americans into the slaves of the corporations — either that or live in poverty and let someone else slog all day to pay for your insurance, a kind of forced corruption of the Individual by the Government — or else pay the fine/tax, which of course forces you to dedicate your life and liberty to getting the money to pay the fine, a form of involuntary servitude. Clearly this is not only grossly Immoral, but also Unconstitutional, and no matter what the supreme court says, 5 to 4, it is clear to any logically thinking American that it is Unconstitutional.

It has taken 237 years for the overthrow of the Jeffersonian Constitution by the Corporate Fascists. Jefferson said that government, though a necessary evil, was essentially an evil because of the massive power it placed in the hands of individuals in the government, and that only the chains of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights could hold it down.

It took the Totalitarians 237 years to overthrow the Constitution of Indiviidual Liberty. Today they are laughing, and Jefferson is crying.

And on the ash pile, Mussolini is smiling.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Socialist Democracy Leads to Nazism: Germany, Greece, the U.S.

October 12, 2013

Unfortunately, one of the most consistent correlations we see is that Socialist Democracy ultimately leading to Nazism.

This has happened over and over again, first in Germany in the 1920s and early 30s, and now in Greece, where a blatantly Nazi party, Golden Dawn, had approx. 15% support in the recent past, although the murder of an anti-racist rap musician, and the government arrest and crackdown on the party, seem to have lowered the support level in recent polls. 

However, the BBC in 2012 reported that while support for the party was in the low teens at that time, support in the police force was at 20%, and the Beeb gave details of multiple incidents of how opposition activists had been arrested, beaten and stripped naked, and nothing was done about it. They reported over a hundred attacks on immigrants in the last year, but again nothing was done until this popular musician was murdered by the Nazis. So when 15% of your populace and 20% of your police are Nazis, you can see the results of the Sociaiist overspending that went on for years, that finally led to a debt crisis, which in turn demanded austerity measures if the entire economic system and currency were to remain functioning, which in turn led to social grumbling that finally manifested itself in the doctrines of hatred put forth by the Nazis.

In Germany, the story is well known and has been told by countless historians. We think Norman Mailer put it best when he said that what brought Hitler to power was inflation. Inflation is the robbing of purchasing power from the people by the government; it affects all classes and produces prodigious social turmoil.

But inflation is the exact policy that the Federal Reserve, and the Democrats have been pushing for years, using every gimmick to revivify their rotten Keynesian economy, along with all the Keynesians in Euro-nirvanaland and Japan, and nothing has worked. On the contrary, the poor have been hit by both massive price increases in their cost of living, while having any savings they might have earn nothing, instead of 5%. Now Obamacare will further economically weaken the middle class, and the slaving youths, while flooding what doctors we have left with millions of new, usually quite sick, indigents. Many elderly who supported Obamacare because they are Democratic Party ideologues will die off as they find they cannot find a doctor to serve their Medicare, and the Medicaid people will get the very worse doctors and the trainees, if they wait for months. Thus will Obama and the Corporatists reduce the elderly and sick-poor population, although the President’s mind is so set in Ideology that it is unlikely that he realizes this. But, obviously, Government will reduce its Social Security and Medicare obligations this way.

And the massive debts run up by the Bipartisans under Obama are destablizing the currency of America, just as they have destabilized countless previous economies throughout history. Vice-President Cheney might say that deficits don’t matter, but he was wrong. Already the U.S. long bond has dropped 20 points from its high, and while they are saying it is because of a “recovery”, it could well be because foreign and American owners of U.S. Treasury paper are starting to unwind some of their positions, since there is no attempt whatever to “pay down” the debt, only add to it at a slower rate. (Just let me keep drinking for a few more months, man, and then I swear on a Bible I’ll quit!)

As the Obamaflation destroys more and more American’s lives, and forces them to slave longer and longer for less and less, the social tensions will increase, and people will look for scapegoats. Foreigners and Muslims seem to be popular targets right now in America, but we imagine the Racists will soon add more variety to the choices.

Capitalism in a Jeffersonian Republic with democratic elections and a Bill of Rights leads to prosperity, and usually tolerance, since its hard, or at least not diplomatic, to hate the guy your trading with, especially when he’s helping you to make a living, and he treats you square. Socialism always begins with the premise of class hatred and class envy. Libertarian Capitalists see absolutely no difference between the hobo and the billionaire, as long as they adhere to the Libertarian non-Aggression axiom. Their Natural Rights are exactly equal and equally sacrosanct. Any regime, Socialist or Fascist, which violates their Rights is Criminal. Which is why we fortunately have the Bill of Rights, which disregards how much property you own, unlike the “Democratic Communists”.

The swings to the Nazis in Greece and Austria, and the revival of xenophobia in Europe are predictable signs that Euro-Socialism is beginning to crumble, despite America micturating away over $100 billion/yr for the Socialist’s defense, and our massive loans to them from the Federal Reserve via the World Bank and IMF. No amount of money is every enough for such spendthrift governments, just like the local governments in America, who, during good times, throw their money into bloated state pension funds that permit them to retireGr like kings at 60 on the taxpayers money for the rest of their lives, and then come begging to the taxpayer when the juice runs out. They will crumble too.

There has never been a completely free, Capitalist society, with a Jeffersonian Bill of Rights, in history, so we don’t know what it would be like. But it would be consistent with Human Dignity, the dignity of being a Free Human Being, free from Government depredations on ones labor, life, time and wealth.

Until such times, Human Beings will plod down the miserable road of massive, bureaucratic, socialistic government, grow bitter, and end up in the anti-Libertarian, racist, socialistic doctrine of the Nazis, just like Germany and Greece.

It’s time to break that cycle.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Fresh Thoughts on Libertarianism

October 5, 2013

Certain ideas about Libertarianism have coalesced in Silverwolf’s mind, and the cats have threatened to go on strike if he doesn’t disclose them to the Public. (Labor Union Coercion!)

First off, Libertarianism is a vast, vast field or ocean, that is just being entered upon. It’s a long way to the other side, before one is debouched into Paradise. So this means that all thinking about the political Philosophy of Libertarianism is in the stage of infancy. It is as if “Democracy” had just come on the scene and was five years old, and every Greek was throwing in his two drachmas as to what it meant and how to define it.

So “Libertarianism” is just beginning, and since it is such a powerful philosophy — this Philosophy of Classical Liberalism — it will have many courtiers claiming that their brand is “His” brand above.

In Silverwolf’s brand of Libertarianism, four ingredients are necessary.

First, Individual Libertarianism must always be put above Corporate so-called Libertarianism, although Libertarianism should not entertain any unnecessary hostility towards Corporations, as long as they obey the Libertarian Non-Aggression Axiom. A share in a Corporation which has value on the open market should be treated just as any other form of private property, although while an individual income tax would be anathema to the Rights delineated in Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, a Corporate Income Tax would not necessarily also be, because it taxes a Collective notional Institution, not an Individual.

So first, the Individual’s Rights must always be placed above the so-called rights of a coroporation.

Second, Libertarianism must fight to shore up and defend Jefferson’s “Wall of Separation” between Church and State. Church-State linkages throughout history have been disastrous both for the people and for Free-Market Capitalism, with the exception of the military hardware suppliers. We only have to look today at “religious” regimes throughout the world to see the most despicable forms of tyranny and torture being perpetrated, and to realize that little has changed since the Spanish Inquisition if Organized Religion once gets its bloody paws on the reins of government. Just as Free-Market Capitalist Libertarians call for separation of Business and State, so must they call for and maintain separation of Church and State, and a very strict separation at that.

Finally, while Libertarians believe that unconstitutional governmental laws should be overthrown in a day — laws like the individual income tax, or being forced into a government-run pension or medical-care scheme, or a “national service” involuntary servitude requirement, or the jailing of Americans by the hundreds of thousands for cannabis possession, or forcing Hindus, at the tax collector’s gunpoint, to fork over the fruits of their labor to pay for USDA beef inspections — we know that, given the public’s socialistic, big-government, brainwashing, it will not be so.

Thus, although you’d like to overthrow tyrranical laws in a day, Libertarian’s should probably settle for a gradualist framework for their change, because the American public is essentially conservative, and a conservative is someone who likes moderation. Southern Slavery, one of the Great Human Rights Crimes of recorded history, should have been overthrown in a day, but it took decades to burn its rotten carcass. Thus Libertarians should probably offer five to ten-year phaseouts of government programs like Social Security and Unemployment Insurance or Obamacare, not because we don’t think their injustices should be eliminated immediately, but because such a call would not be accepted by the majority of voters, but a gradual phaseout would be. We also think that maintaining these programs for those Socialists who think they are the greatest thing since Marx would be OK, as long as all the costs and all the liabilities fell completely on the shoulders of the program’s participants.

For example, if the State of California ended its mandatory, forced participation of all workers in the Unemployment Insurance Program, but then maintained a program called “California Unemployment Security Program” in which all costs and liabilities were thrown onto the program’s participants, and not the general taxpayer or anyone working in California, then we wouldn’t really object, although such programs should certainly not be within the pale of government functions in the mind of a true Jeffersonian Libertarian.

However, it is obvious that such a “State” program would be “State” only in name, and that such a program would not differ at all from a private, free-market insurance fund. The Socialists and Patriots could feel they were contributing to “their” government, since they both are fond of saying that “the government is us”, and they could walk away with that glow lonely Socialists feel when they kid themselves that “we’re a village”. Yet, they never seem to pool their bank accounts.

Lastly, Libertarianism must be fiercely anti-racist in its outlook, because the racist looks at others with an image in his mind, a pre-judgement. Just as the Marxist defines Individuals by their class, and always attempts character assassination by class association instead of argument, so too will the racist define individuals according to whatever images his exposure to propaganda has inclined him. A racist can obviously utter words that reflect Truth and point out an injustice, while a non-racist or anti-racist can utter false propaganda (and all propaganda is a lie!) and keep mum about heinous injustices which they perpetrate (the Democrats, for example, jailing people for cannabis possession and keeping it illegal, or deforesting the National Forests to benefit major corporations while spreading toxic pesticides far and wide).

So a racist, like a Marxist, pre-judges people based on the most infantile and neanderthalic thinking, whereas a Libertarian sees all men as possessors of sacred Natural Rights, which make them the highest creation of Nature. A True Libertarian would have a positive, non-aggressive attitude towards all, except those who want to violently aggress against the property rights (which include the bodies) of their fellow citizens, or those who want to incite hatred or violence against whole economic classes, religious groups, races, or nationalities. Such Individuals are anti-Libertarian and anti-Capitalist, though they may mascarade as Libertarians, or friends of Natural Rights.

The essence of Capitalism is Liberty, the Freedom of two Individual Human Beings to engage in a trade of commodities voluntarily, in which both parties are happy with the results. Primitive tribesman did this in the jungle, but the modern day Socialists say that such actions are wicked.

So Libertarianism, at least Silverwolf’s brand, must include placing the Individual above the Collectivist Corporation, a fierce separation of Mosque and State, an anti-racist and anti-xenophobic ferocity, and a defense and championing of Liberty, as the essential ingredient of Free-Market Capitalism.

What’s your brand of Libertarianism?

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

They’re Libertarians and They Don’t Know It: The Freedom from Pesticides Bill of Rights

October 1, 2013

In a remote rural county of Oregon, a radical proposition is being placed before the voters that Silverwolf thinks is very significant for radical Individualist Libertarianism, not only because it attacks the Corporate Poisoners, who, in collusion with the Democrats, are slowly poisoning not only the beautiful lands in Oregon, but the local residents as well, but also because the Initiative would place the Rights of Individuals above the fictitious “Rights” of Corporations. These Corporate mass poisonings of the Public, through aerial spraying of dangerous pesticides adjacent to residential properties and lands, in order to swell the corporate coffers of the pesticide Industry, are the fruits of what anti-Fascist Historian  Dave Emory has called the Borman Underground Reich Capital Network, which is basically the wealth looted by the Nazis during WWII translated into corporate power throughout the world. The poisoning of Oregonians with Bayer pesticides is not very different, morally speaking, from the mass poisoning of Jews by Bayer during World War II, except in scale, only now the Democrats are defending the Nazis, instead of attacking them (though, of course, Roosevelt wouldn’t bomb the rail lines leading to the concentration camps, or even the camps themselves). The disgusting Democratic Governor of Oregon, John Kitzhaber, fully backs these attacks on the health of Oregon’s citizens and children, and the attacks on the value of their properties when pesticide residues drift onto their land. And this Shower calls himself not only a Governor but also an M.D.

The group opposing the Fascists and their Democrat Collaborators is the Freedom From Pesticides Alliance at, which is based in Josephine County, Oregon. The actual initiative they are placing on the ballot can be read at their website.

Residential Property Owners must betake themselves to the defense of the environmental integrity of their demesnes, or this will become a rotten realm, fit for no man to live in henceforth. The Democrats and Republicans are destroying the Earth, as are the leaders of virtually every other country, from Valerie Puta, the Russian Whore, in her Siberia, to the Indonesian Tree Butchers of Borneo, to the Nazis with Suntans down under, murdering their kangaroos and deforesting the continent while they push boatloads of women and children back to sea, to the Japanese, Singaporean, and Malaysian investors, who make their money by destroying the rainforests of Asia.

And added to the massive spraying of toxic pesticides adjacent to the properties of Individual Free-Market Capitalists, is a proposed increase in logging and spraying by the Democrat, Congressman Peter DeFazio, which comes in the face of what the other day the UN called a 95% certain chance that global warming is taking place due to Human activity. Trees are Carbon Banks. The Democrats, including Obama and DeFazio, tell us that we have global warming and urgently need a carbon tax, but at the same time DeFazio introduces a Bill that increases logging on so-called “public lands” though they are administered by the BLM as a lucrative boondoggle for themselves and their Fascist, timber-corporation bedfellows. BLM collaboration pays the lucrative salaries, benefit packages, and pensions of the BLM bureaucrats.

So even though living trees are known to be wonderful carbon banks, DeFazio tells us we must cut more trees, as at the same time he tells us we should pay a carbon tax for the sake of the Planet and the coming generations. At the same time, he permits the use of atrazine in America, around children, when it has been banned in the EU since 2003, a ban he critically called for in the 1980s, but now is mum on. What a hypocritical Shower is Liberal Democrat Congressman Peter DeFazio!

(For an exhaustive examination of the pesticides which the Democratic Corporate Fascists are permitting to be sprayed on Americans, you can refer to, which is an excellent site for such information.)

It is only Libertarians, who want to defend their Inalienable Natural Right to the Quiet Enjoyment of their Property, and Environmentalists, who rarely seem to understand Free-Market economics, and who seem to have an animus against Capitalism, despite all the benefits it has brought to man’s basic standard of living, but who also share the Libertarians desire to have their properties free from invasion by toxic poisons — it is only these two groups who seem motivated enough to challenge the gradual Corporate Nazification of America, conducted by the mainstream Democrats and Republicans.

Silverwolf has written in the past of how these two philosophies, Libertarianism and Environmentalism, must come together and merge if we are ever to have a free world of free people in an unpolluted environ. A radical, Individual Jeffersonian Libertarianism, as seen in the original Bill of Rights and Constitution, is ultimately based on the defense of Individual Property Rights (and Professor Rothbard has clearly explained how all Rights, including Civil Rights, are ultimately forms of Property Rights, including the Right to own your own body),  Environmentalism, a loving of the Earth and Nature, and a wanting to preserve them as pristinely as possible, is also a type of Property Rights Defense Movement, although here the aim is the survival and health of the Human Race and all Life on Earth. 

Through the legal weapon of the Freedom from Pesticide Bill of Rights, the voters of Josephine County will have a chance to prohibit the use of pesticides by corporate or government entities on all lands within the county except private residential lands. Though they have been accused of being on the side of corporations by the Left, Libertarians like  Professor Murray Rothbard have  repeatedly said that no one has the right to pollute the air you breathe or the water you drink. And, of course, one of the main Libertarian concepts, along the with Non-aggression Axiom, is the idea of freedom from invasion, whether of ones body by pesticide poisoning, rape, assault, or the Draft, or of ones property, like ones land.

As to the Crimes of Child Poisoning and Well Poisoning, — the Governmental Authority at the Federal and State levels has the responsibility and the authority to stop aggressions against Individuals like child poisonings, but that authority this day has become an abuse against Individual Property Rights to the very pitch of wickedness. The Crimes of Well Poisoning and Child Poisoning are so heinous that they may well warrant Capital Punishment, though that might sound extreme. and we have always strongly opposed the Death Penalty on Principle. But we’d settle for Life on Gruel at dull labor, which is what many Law-abiding Americans end up with, or even having the bottom fall out of their corporate stock portfolios, which in America is an even more feared form of Capital Punishment. (“Go ahead and execute me, but Please don’t ruin my stock portfolio!” cried the Corporate CEO at his trial.) Certainly such Crimes deserve at least 20 years in jail.

Governor Kitzhaber and Congressman DeFazio are Corporate Fascists who need to be impeached. These Showers are typical of the bulk of Democratic Politicians, just as deadly to children as the Corporate Republicans. It is a long way to the day when Silverwolf’s dream of having all buildings subterranean is realized, with the surface of the earth looking like one huge contiguous park or forest (and any necessary buildings above ground designed in the Gothic style of Oxford and Cambridge), but the first step to even having an Earth populated by Humans, Animals and Trees may be contained within this Bill.

It seems to us that in using the “Rights” argument to fight the Corporate Nazis, the Environmentalists, at least in this case, are finally on the “Rights” track, though we think the idea of “Community Rights” is an incorrect one which the Corporations can easily slap down. This is because a “Community” is a Collectivist Entity, just like a Corporation. Both are Notional Concepts, mere intellectual phantoms, and not a real Individual Human Being like you, with Inalienable Rights protected by Jefferson’s beautiful Bill of Rights. If a “Community”, which is a Collective, can have Rights, it will be argued, then why not a Corporation, which is also a Collective in our view, although without the coercion of being forced to stay in that Collective (i.e. a worker can walk off the job and quit; an investor can sell his stock).

Moreover, the “community rights” issue is actually a false attempt to enlarge the Jeffersonian concept of Natural Rights. Natural Rights were only inherent in Individual Human Beings, we’d guess in Jefferson’s mind, because at the time environmental pollution and deforestation in America probably never entered into men’s consciousness.  Back then, someone might decry the cutting of a particular grove or area that they loved, but the environmental degradation the upcoming generations are currently facing has gone way beyond that.

However, in establishing a “community rights” concept in Law, the Environmentalists are establishing, or rather re-inforcing, a dangerous anti-Jeffersonian concept — the concept of collective Rights. This phoney and false concept is the very reason Corporations have been able to establish and maintain such a massive violation of the Bill of Rights against Individual Citizens, as well as enabling whole groups to shift their tax burthen to other, less powerful groups and Individuals, both vile forms of cozenage. For example, married people and people with children getting huge tax deductions in the form of exemption credits which single people don’t qualify for (although if we continue to have the immoral income tax, then people with children under 17 should continue to get a tax deduction for up to two children). This massive injustice has gone on for decades, and is soon to be expanded with the legalization of Gay marriage. Such inequalities are corrupt and immoral, but you’ll never hear the Democratic politicians using their bully pulpit to denounce them, and call for their immediate abolition. On the contrary, they applaud it.

So, the establishment of “community rights” is a dangerous, collectivist phantom, that does not exist. However, since most of America passively accepts these collectivist injustices, such as corporate tax breaks and privileges, and marriage tax breaks, then going for “community rights” fits in nicely with the deception. If it helps halt attacks on Individual Free-Marketeer’s bodies and lands, then it is worth trying.

Another problem with the concept of “community rights” is: who defines the “community”? Is it a specific geographic area, and who gets the power to decide where the boundaries are? Now, in this case of Josephine County, the boundaries of the “community” are the borders of the county, so the concept is limited, at least to that extent  in this case. But  what about the members of the community who want the spraying and clearcut logging to continue? What about the people who hate trees, want to kill off Nature, and are so misanthropic that they want to see an end to the Human Being.  Aren’t the Necrophiles entitled to community rights also, since they are part of the community, and it could not be defined as a community without them?

Obviously, the idea of “community” can be extended outwardly indefinitely unto the utmost inhabited regions of the Earth. In actuality, the only “community” on the planet is Human Beings; it includes everybody. But we obviously don’t have control of what happens in “communities” in Siberia or North Korea. And in the short run, we think it imperative for Jeffersonian Classical Liberalism, that America continue to exist as a separate country, since it has the most Libertarian Constitution in the world, and by merging America into a “world community” at the present time, that Constitution would be quickly overthrown by the 80% of the world that is still Totalitarian.

No, the Environmentalists need to stick to one simple point: defending Individual Rights, (and ultimately those are all Individual Property Rights). That’s all Jefferson bit off, and it’s plenty. Don’t complicate it by saying that “ecosystems” or “natural communities” have Rights, because most of the American public, and certainly the legal scholars, won’t buy that. Animals don’t even have rights in America; they can be butchered and eaten by their owners, or butchered and have their corpses sold, to be pleached and plaited with human spittle; they can be slowly tortured to death in useless experiments at universities. What a vile end to a joyous life that began as a chick or a calf or a goat kid or a lamb or a baby salmon!

So if animals don’t have rights in America, and trees don’t have rights, you’re not going to convince a judge or the voting public that “ecosystems or natural communities” have rights, although “natural communities” does include in its concept both the ecosystem and the people living in it, so it might have rights because it involves Individual Humans by definition. But it still fails on the grounds of instilling rights in things other than Humans, which we don’t think will wash with the courts or the public.

However, this is picking tiny flaws in what is otherwise a seemingly well-wrought piece of legislation. One very important point this Bill does address, and it is a point Silverwolf has put forth many times in his posts, is that Individuals must be put above Corporations in the eyes of the Law. Our Jeffersonian Constitution speaks only of Individual Rights; it says nothing about Corporate Rights, and so, in our Laws, Libertarians must fight solely for Individual Rights, for the idea of “Corporate Rights” is an oxymoron and a lie. Collectives don’t have Rights; Individuals do.

So kudos on the Environmental Revolutionaries who crafted this wonderful, though slightly flawed bill. This Libertarian howl of Freedom is for you, and for the necessary coming day when we shall see the marriage of Jeffersonian Classical Liberalism or Libertarianism with the Environmentalists, who are Libertarian Defenders of the Earth and Private Property Rights, but don’t know it yet.

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf