Posts Tagged ‘American-Jewish vote’

John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman: Helping to Destroy Israel

May 22, 2011

It’s funny how those who have put the worst enemy Israel has had in the White House since Jimmy Carter are now scurrying to cover their blindness to racism. Ed Koch, the peabrained “kochelaffel” former mayor of NYC, actually donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign, so he is fully responsible for what he has created: an indefensible Israel surrounded by newly-energized murderers and racists, thanks to Obama’s reference to the 1967 lines as the negotiating area. No equal demand by Obama on the PA to end its collaboration with Hamas, to end the absurd and fictitious “right of return”, to end the anti-Semitic cartoons in their press. But when it came to Israel, throwing out a phrase that Obama well knew would completely undermine the ability of Israel to negotiate a two-state solution. Now the new goal-post moving demand will be “the 67 borders and right of return”, i.e. perpetual war, and never having to make peace.

John Rothmann, as usual, was not outraged by the President’s comments, since he is the classical barking dog for the Democrat Party. Whatever immoral positions they may adopt, he will be there to defend them, and if he is ever “outraged” at something the President does, a few hours or days later he will be back defending him on a different issue. As if morality varies with each issue, and is not a deep characteristic of a politician. Usually he is merely “troubled”; occasionally he is “deeply disturbed”, and even he knew there was a rotten fish in Denmark when he pointed out that the President made no mention of the Muslim Brotherhood in his remarks and demand for $1 billion for Egypt. As Dave Emory, a great anti-Fascist historian and archivist, has so well documented at his incredibly good website, the Muslim Brotherhood was set up as an extension of the Nazis in Egypt. They are a Fascist organization. They hold the same view of Jews as the Nazis, and want to murder them. No mention of this by the President in his speech. They also try to come to power through elections, and by giving Egypt a billion dollars, the President is empowering a neo-Nazi, fanatically religious, gang that has no love for America, except for its money, and fueling Middle East anti-Semitism. These are the fruits of John Rothmann’s support for Obama, and as he recently said, he would still vote for Obama over any Republican, which evidently includes staunch defenders of Israel’s right to exist like Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Alan Dershowitz likes to talk of Obama’s “mistake”, as if a deliberately thought out policy designed to undermine Israel, coming from a very sharp lawyer and politician like Barack Obama, was a “mistake”. A typical lawyer’s ploy to decrease the severity of the outrage in the minds of the victims, and the victims in this case were all the Jewish Zionists in America who listened to Dershowitz when he campaigned for Obama, and all the people in Israel, Jews and Muslims, who have to cringe in fear every time a Hamas rocket invades the territory of Israel. Why doesn’t Obama simply carpet-bomb Hamas government buildings if he were a true friend of Israel? Why are Israelis and Sudanese Christians in Darfur worth less to Obama than Libyans?

Abe Foxman was really the most pathetic, when he tried to defend Obama’s speech in an op-ed in the Huffington Hotair Post, while at the same time saying that he was “losing faith” in whether Israel had a real negotiating partner to negotiate with, after reading PA capo Abu Mazen’s rewriting of Middle East history according to the Nazi blueprint in a recent NY Times op-ed. Many anti-racist Libertarian thinkers, who aren’t heads of multi-million dollar outfits that purport to defend the Jewish people, saw this coming years ago with the election of Barack Obama, the prodigy of “Reverend” Wright, and his Farrakhan-loving congregation of Black Racists. But Abe Foxman wasn’t perceptive enough to see it. Why trust such a dim-witted, unperceptive “leader”?

It is these four, John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, and Abraham Foxman, all self-proclaimed Zionists and friends of Israel, who have helped to put into the White House the worst enemy Israel has had to face since Carter and Nixon, and  who have endangered the entire Jewish People in one of the most precarious situations they have faced in four thousand years. They are fully responsible, along with the 78% of American-Jewish voters who voted for Obama in 2008.  And note, they all live in America, far from the threat of the Hamas murderers and the PA homicide-bombers.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf