Posts Tagged ‘the Muslim Brotherhood’

John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman: Helping to Destroy Israel

May 22, 2011

It’s funny how those who have put the worst enemy Israel has had in the White House since Jimmy Carter are now scurrying to cover their blindness to racism. Ed Koch, the peabrained “kochelaffel” former mayor of NYC, actually donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign, so he is fully responsible for what he has created: an indefensible Israel surrounded by newly-energized murderers and racists, thanks to Obama’s reference to the 1967 lines as the negotiating area. No equal demand by Obama on the PA to end its collaboration with Hamas, to end the absurd and fictitious “right of return”, to end the anti-Semitic cartoons in their press. But when it came to Israel, throwing out a phrase that Obama well knew would completely undermine the ability of Israel to negotiate a two-state solution. Now the new goal-post moving demand will be “the 67 borders and right of return”, i.e. perpetual war, and never having to make peace.

John Rothmann, as usual, was not outraged by the President’s comments, since he is the classical barking dog for the Democrat Party. Whatever immoral positions they may adopt, he will be there to defend them, and if he is ever “outraged” at something the President does, a few hours or days later he will be back defending him on a different issue. As if morality varies with each issue, and is not a deep characteristic of a politician. Usually he is merely “troubled”; occasionally he is “deeply disturbed”, and even he knew there was a rotten fish in Denmark when he pointed out that the President made no mention of the Muslim Brotherhood in his remarks and demand for $1 billion for Egypt. As Dave Emory, a great anti-Fascist historian and archivist, has so well documented at his incredibly good website, the Muslim Brotherhood was set up as an extension of the Nazis in Egypt. They are a Fascist organization. They hold the same view of Jews as the Nazis, and want to murder them. No mention of this by the President in his speech. They also try to come to power through elections, and by giving Egypt a billion dollars, the President is empowering a neo-Nazi, fanatically religious, gang that has no love for America, except for its money, and fueling Middle East anti-Semitism. These are the fruits of John Rothmann’s support for Obama, and as he recently said, he would still vote for Obama over any Republican, which evidently includes staunch defenders of Israel’s right to exist like Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Alan Dershowitz likes to talk of Obama’s “mistake”, as if a deliberately thought out policy designed to undermine Israel, coming from a very sharp lawyer and politician like Barack Obama, was a “mistake”. A typical lawyer’s ploy to decrease the severity of the outrage in the minds of the victims, and the victims in this case were all the Jewish Zionists in America who listened to Dershowitz when he campaigned for Obama, and all the people in Israel, Jews and Muslims, who have to cringe in fear every time a Hamas rocket invades the territory of Israel. Why doesn’t Obama simply carpet-bomb Hamas government buildings if he were a true friend of Israel? Why are Israelis and Sudanese Christians in Darfur worth less to Obama than Libyans?

Abe Foxman was really the most pathetic, when he tried to defend Obama’s speech in an op-ed in the Huffington Hotair Post, while at the same time saying that he was “losing faith” in whether Israel had a real negotiating partner to negotiate with, after reading PA capo Abu Mazen’s rewriting of Middle East history according to the Nazi blueprint in a recent NY Times op-ed. Many anti-racist Libertarian thinkers, who aren’t heads of multi-million dollar outfits that purport to defend the Jewish people, saw this coming years ago with the election of Barack Obama, the prodigy of “Reverend” Wright, and his Farrakhan-loving congregation of Black Racists. But Abe Foxman wasn’t perceptive enough to see it. Why trust such a dim-witted, unperceptive “leader”?

It is these four, John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, and Abraham Foxman, all self-proclaimed Zionists and friends of Israel, who have helped to put into the White House the worst enemy Israel has had to face since Carter and Nixon, and  who have endangered the entire Jewish People in one of the most precarious situations they have faced in four thousand years. They are fully responsible, along with the 78% of American-Jewish voters who voted for Obama in 2008.  And note, they all live in America, far from the threat of the Hamas murderers and the PA homicide-bombers.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Libertarianism is Bustin’ Out Al-Egypt

January 29, 2011

It looks like the “happy disease” of Libertarianism is busting out in Egypt, and all over the Arab and North African world, as the youth of these countries finally get sick and tired of the corporatism and governmental corruption than has kept them down and impoverished for decades. The governments and Islamists can continue to blame Jews and Zionism for every single problem in the Arab and Islamic world, but the secular youth of these countries, and many of the educated middle class, know that the problem is corporatism or state socialism mixed and allied with the big private corporations and local wealthy magnates, and the perennial problems of government corruption and the arbitrary power of the “state”.

Over and against these tyrannies stands the old Jeffersonian Liberalism that motivated the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the beautiful Bill of Rights, one of the great documents of Mankind. These instinctively known values about the Rights of Man are surging up in the youth of North Africa, and they will overwhelm all resistance before them, whether the governmental Leviathan State, or the religious fanaticism and Jew-hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group with long ties to the Nazi ideology since its inception.

Silverwolf finds it both singularly interesting and seminal that this whole revolt was sparked by one young man in Tunisia protesting against a Communist regulation: having to have a business license to sell vegetables. This  is a gross violation of the Capitalist Rights of the Individual to earn a living without the government interfering by either requiring a license to vend, or by looting part of the fruits of one’s labor through an individual income tax (a corporate income tax may or may not be allowable because a corporation is not an individual, but a notional, fictional entity and thus not subject to the Rights of Man).

And so this whole “revolution” began as one man’s capitalist protest against a communist system of regulation in Tunisia, and the extreme levels of unemployment which socialism, corporatism, and minimum-wage laws bring about,  and while Silverwolf does not approve of self-immolation as a form of protest, that extreme act of anti-Communist protest has sparked a revolution so furious and of such magnitude, of which that dead young man could never have dreamed a few weeks ago, that it shows us Libertarians the power and ability of One Individual to change the course of history.

Such is the Power of Freedom and the Thirst for Liberty in all sane men.

Of course, the battle will rage between this new secular, anti-government Libertarianism which unfortunately probably has little more than anger behind it (how many in the streets of Cairo have read their Jefferson, Madison and Murray Rothbard?), and the religious fanatics who would like to see a repeat of Carter’s Folly in Iran of backing a brutal torturing dictator. Already we hear bleatings from Ms. Rodham that Hosni Baby should be given just a little more time. I guess thirty years ain’t enough, is it, Madame Secretary of State, as long as you’re not the one being tortured or unemployed all through the years of your youth? Maybe when you have $70 million, it’s easy to wait? But believe me, Ms. Rodham, those young Capitalists in the Streets ain’t gonna wait.

Rolling the dice like this of course roils a readily rabid world. The excitement and uncertainty of seeing the cornerblock piece of land between Africa and the Middle East wracked by mayhem may seem like a one-off event, but it really fits in with a world pattern, from the American  Tea Party anger and reaction to the Obama extension of the Federal mandate by forcing Americans to pay a corporate insurance toll just to exist in America, and having themselves strip-searched if they must travel, to the growing unrest and malcontent manifest in Europe, and expressing itself in the Greek protests, the Paris and London Student protests,  and the whinings of the unions and the French pensioners who may have to wait to 62 instead of 60 for their lifetime dole.

And perhaps forshadowing this wave of Libertarianism, though not linked by any observers except Silverwolf here, was the unheard of reaction of a group of London protesters to the appearance of a Royal motorcade. The press reported that they chanted “Off with their heads”, and threw paint on the car, although when Silverwolf listened to the tape, it sounded like they what they were actually saying  was “Offer them beads”, and the paint on the car may have been an attempt to spruce up the appearance of the Royal conveyance, since the financial crisis has brought budgetary embarrassments to even the finest of British families. Knowing the British people’s love for their monarchy, it’s hard to imagine any other possible explanations.

However, he is willing to accept the official portrayal of the event, and, if it is true, it is a telling description of the disgust which youth, whether in Tunisia, London, Paris or Cairo, hold for the Establishment.

Yes, indeed. Libertarianism is bustin’ out all over the Arab world, and it ain’t even June.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww! — Silverwolf