Posts Tagged ‘John Rothmann’

Mrs. Clinton Proposes $2.3 Billion for Egyptian Arab Nazis

September 22, 2012

In one of the most dastardly deeds Silverwolf can recall the Obama Administration doing, Ms. Rodham, our Madam Secretary of State, proposed yesterday that America give $2.3 billion U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Arab Nazi regime in Egypt known as the Muslim Brotherhood. This outrage, of Americans being forced at jailpoint to turn over their hard-earned money to a Nazi regime, is a deed that stinks to high heaven. But Ms. Clinton made it with her usual bored droning face, as if it were only another crime in a long list of Human Rights abuses she and her husband have participated in, be it aiding the mass murderer and torturer Suharto in Indonesia, giving Most Favored Nation trading status to the slave-labor nation of Red China, even while it continued to subject and enslave the Tibetan People and Nation and persecute the great tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, or merely standing by in Rwanda while 800,000 civilians, mostly women and children, were hacked to death with machetes, a la Jimmy Carter in the face of the Criminal Idi Amin in Uganda. With such a record, giving $2.3 billion to the Egyptian Nazis must have seemed like small potatoes to the former Reagan Cowgirl.

Nor was she deterred from giving this huge sum to a new regime whose leader, Mohammed Morsi (or Mursi), recently attended the nuclear power conference held in Tehran hosted by the Fascist Criminal and Child Murderer Ahmedinajad. You can be sure that pretty soon we’ll be hearing calls for the development of “Egyptian nuclear power for peaceful purposes”, and then, once they have the reactors, the need for “an Egyptian bomb”. Hitler’s plan for killing the Jews is alive and well in Cairo, and evidently Mrs. Clinton has no fear that in giving yet another $1.3 billion dollars to the Egyptian military, she is putting weapons in the hands of Middle East Nazis.

The connection, nay identity, of the Muslim Brotherhood to the Nazi Third Reich has been well-documented by longtime anti-Fascist historians Dave Emory and John Rothmann, and invaluable evidence has been added in the last decade by fearless former Justice Department Investigator John Loftus. (Try googling “banna nazi”.) In brief, the Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna, an Egyptian religious extremist who loved Adolph Hitler, corresponded with him, and established the Brotherhood as the Nazi wing of the Arab Movement. This movement was furthered by al=Banna’s close friend, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, another Arab Nazi who instigated riots against Jews in then Palestine, and formed an SS Unit of Bosnian Muslims during the war. Now, 84 years later, the Muslim Brotherhood Nazis finally come to power with about 26% of the eligible Egyptian voters approving them. (Another wonderful example of “democracy in action”.  We always thought democracy meant at least 50.00001% of the eligible voters approve of something? Evidently not in Mrs. Clinton’s definition of the term.)

(We should further add that we do not agree politically with the three above historians and researchers, who all sound like they are probably Franklin Roosevelt Democrats, but that does not invalidate the accuracy and easy confirmation of the facts they record in their histories. Indeed, Silverwolf thinks there is probably much validity in Emory’s concept of the “Bormann Underground Reich”, a post-war funnelling of the funds the Nazis looted before and during WWII into major Western corporations. Emory theorizes a parallel development occurred with the vast amount of gold looted by the Japanese working its way into major corporations, many of them Japanese. The roughly 20,000 Nazi War Criminals brought in by one wing of the CIA under Truman, Loftus posits, basically became the dominant force in the old CIA, and in Reagan’s term they were brought into power, and continued under Bush I. Loftus seems to have a much higher regard for the current CIA whom he described once as a good bunch of people. Emory’s and Loftus’ theories and speculations seem to make great sense to Silverwolf as explaining many events that have occurred since WWII.

However, the fact that these three historians could get their facts so right but get their analysis of economic reality so wrong well illustrates Professor Murray Rothbard’s point that one of the great problems in economic analysis is that most good economists are lousy historians, and most good historians have absolutely no inkling of what the Austrian School of Economics (i.e. pure Capitalism) really is, i.e. they’re lousy economists. The above three historians well illustrate this fact.)

And after their coming to power, Obama gets on the phone and congratulates these Nazis, in effect legitimizing them in the eyes of most unaware Americans and the entire world, as if such a highly educated person didn’t know their background history. And now, tragically, Mrs. Clinton proposes giving these Nazis another $2.3 billion, so as to secure their hold on power.

The insanity of this proposal, to arm the enemies of America and Israel who share the ideology of  the Nazis and Al-Qaeda, shows the utter failure of Obama’s appeasement of the Arab Fascists all throughout his term, and he and Mrs. Clinton’s utter failure to understand the serious damage done to America by these giveways to Nazis. Instead of starving the beast, they are feeding it, and with your food, American Public.

And as for Ms. Rodham’s heinous proposal, Silverwolf says: not one cent of U.S. taxpayer money to the Egyptian Arab Nazis!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

John Rothmann’s Pyrrhic Victory: The Obama Administration Recognizes the Muslim Brotherhood

July 1, 2011

Thanks to John Rothmann, the influential Liberal-Democratic West Coast talkshow host, and his ilk, having supporting Barack Obama’s run for the Presidency and currently even his re-election, the Jew-hating, neo-Nazi organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, has been “recognized” by the U.S. Administration, in a statement by Secretary Clinton, former New York Senator and darling-daughter of her New York backers. Rothmann is an ardent Zionist, which, as he has pointed out, is anyone who thinks Israel has a legitimate right to exist as a nation, if other nations have a legitimate right to exist. (An Anarchist might say that no nation has a right to exist, and oppose Israeli statehood on that basis, but they would also oppose the right to exist of Denmark, Lichtenstein, Papua New Guinea and the United States. We are not referring to those Anarchists, to but anyone from Minarchist up to complete Communist.) So you have to wonder how Rothmann now feels as he has steadfastly supported Obama through thick and thin, and now sees a group being recognized by the Administration he has supported, which, as Rothmann has quoted on his show, wants to murder Jews and have a war with Israel. This is the disgusting, anti-Humanistic Bruderband that Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, and their whole pack of Democrats, have legitimized by this act, in a Great War Crime against all Humanity. Morally, this is not small potatoes. It ranks with Ronald Reagan’s Crime at Bitburg, when he described the SS Men, who had murdered so many hundreds of thousands of women and children, as “victims”. The left-over Nazis and the new ones were rejoicing that day, as they had been whitewashed, just as the Muslim Brotherhood is rejoicing today. The Liberal Jews of America have helped vote in a man, and a secretary of state, who have legitimized one of Israel’s most dangerous enemies in the Middle East, and also legitimized one of the most disgusting racist ideologies left on the face of the earth. His margin of victory would not have been there without their votes.

We can only imagine if the situation were reversed, if Israel had the economic might of America, and was the dominant military and financial force in the world, and if the Old South of pre-Civil war, (or even post-Civil War) times still existed. And let’s say that 30% of the population south of the Mason-Dixon Line strongly supported the Ku Klux Klan, and wanted either to lynch or re-enslave all Blacks, and also imagine there was an active Civil Rights movement contesting the KKK in the South through non-violence demonstrations a la Reverend King, and just outside the Old South, perhaps in Northern Arkansas, there was a state or county composed of runaway or freed slaves or Civil Rights activists. And imagine that with the KKK espousing murder of Blacks, and war against the Arkansas Freedmen’s State, Israel were to recognize the KKK as a “legitimate force in Southern politics, and it is within the best interests of the State of Israel to recognize them”.

That would be an exact parallel of the disgusting deed the Obama Administration committed yesterday, as Ms. Rodham opened her oral rictus, spewed forth the filth, and gave Hitlerism a victory. Human Rights historians of the distant future will spit in revulsion at the actions of this Administration.

The irony is that Rothmann has written a book on the Mufti of Jerusalem, clearly showing the Nazi roots of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was set up in Egypt exactly at the time that Hitler was rising to power in Germany (1928-33). They were conceived by the Nazis as their party within the Muslim world, and they continue now to espouse the Nazi ideology towards Jews and Israel , just as they have since their inception. Rothmann himself has quoted the words of the head of the Brotherhood, recently declaimed in Tahir Square, which called for war against Israel, so he knows very well how dangerous this group is. He has supported and still supports the man who has stabbed him, Israel, and Human Rights, in the back.

America was the last hope for Libertarian Human Rights in the world. With yesterday’s actions, those hopes were dashed.

Remember all this when you go to the polls.

Hooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman: Helping to Destroy Israel

May 22, 2011

It’s funny how those who have put the worst enemy Israel has had in the White House since Jimmy Carter are now scurrying to cover their blindness to racism. Ed Koch, the peabrained “kochelaffel” former mayor of NYC, actually donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign, so he is fully responsible for what he has created: an indefensible Israel surrounded by newly-energized murderers and racists, thanks to Obama’s reference to the 1967 lines as the negotiating area. No equal demand by Obama on the PA to end its collaboration with Hamas, to end the absurd and fictitious “right of return”, to end the anti-Semitic cartoons in their press. But when it came to Israel, throwing out a phrase that Obama well knew would completely undermine the ability of Israel to negotiate a two-state solution. Now the new goal-post moving demand will be “the 67 borders and right of return”, i.e. perpetual war, and never having to make peace.

John Rothmann, as usual, was not outraged by the President’s comments, since he is the classical barking dog for the Democrat Party. Whatever immoral positions they may adopt, he will be there to defend them, and if he is ever “outraged” at something the President does, a few hours or days later he will be back defending him on a different issue. As if morality varies with each issue, and is not a deep characteristic of a politician. Usually he is merely “troubled”; occasionally he is “deeply disturbed”, and even he knew there was a rotten fish in Denmark when he pointed out that the President made no mention of the Muslim Brotherhood in his remarks and demand for $1 billion for Egypt. As Dave Emory, a great anti-Fascist historian and archivist, has so well documented at his incredibly good website, the Muslim Brotherhood was set up as an extension of the Nazis in Egypt. They are a Fascist organization. They hold the same view of Jews as the Nazis, and want to murder them. No mention of this by the President in his speech. They also try to come to power through elections, and by giving Egypt a billion dollars, the President is empowering a neo-Nazi, fanatically religious, gang that has no love for America, except for its money, and fueling Middle East anti-Semitism. These are the fruits of John Rothmann’s support for Obama, and as he recently said, he would still vote for Obama over any Republican, which evidently includes staunch defenders of Israel’s right to exist like Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Alan Dershowitz likes to talk of Obama’s “mistake”, as if a deliberately thought out policy designed to undermine Israel, coming from a very sharp lawyer and politician like Barack Obama, was a “mistake”. A typical lawyer’s ploy to decrease the severity of the outrage in the minds of the victims, and the victims in this case were all the Jewish Zionists in America who listened to Dershowitz when he campaigned for Obama, and all the people in Israel, Jews and Muslims, who have to cringe in fear every time a Hamas rocket invades the territory of Israel. Why doesn’t Obama simply carpet-bomb Hamas government buildings if he were a true friend of Israel? Why are Israelis and Sudanese Christians in Darfur worth less to Obama than Libyans?

Abe Foxman was really the most pathetic, when he tried to defend Obama’s speech in an op-ed in the Huffington Hotair Post, while at the same time saying that he was “losing faith” in whether Israel had a real negotiating partner to negotiate with, after reading PA capo Abu Mazen’s rewriting of Middle East history according to the Nazi blueprint in a recent NY Times op-ed. Many anti-racist Libertarian thinkers, who aren’t heads of multi-million dollar outfits that purport to defend the Jewish people, saw this coming years ago with the election of Barack Obama, the prodigy of “Reverend” Wright, and his Farrakhan-loving congregation of Black Racists. But Abe Foxman wasn’t perceptive enough to see it. Why trust such a dim-witted, unperceptive “leader”?

It is these four, John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, and Abraham Foxman, all self-proclaimed Zionists and friends of Israel, who have helped to put into the White House the worst enemy Israel has had to face since Carter and Nixon, and  who have endangered the entire Jewish People in one of the most precarious situations they have faced in four thousand years. They are fully responsible, along with the 78% of American-Jewish voters who voted for Obama in 2008.  And note, they all live in America, far from the threat of the Hamas murderers and the PA homicide-bombers.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

President Obama and His Liberal Democrats Join the War Criminals Club

April 14, 2010

Well, it did not take long for Barack Obama, the first African-American President in history, to join the ranks of the Wondy Whiterbread War Criminals who have held that office since the days of Kennedy (we won’t go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt or McKinley in the Philippines.) Barack Obama is now in the odious high circles of the other War Criminals who have held the office since those early 60’s: Lyndon Johnson and his entourage, Richard Stinkhouse Nixon, Old “Dutch” Reagan (his mining of the Nicaraguan harbors was technically a War Crime, his actions in Central America an actual one), or Carter, resuming military aid to Dictator Anastasio Somoza on Carter’s last day in office, an action which Silverwolf considers a War Crime, even if the world doesn’t.

With the recent murders of 5 civilians (7 if you count the foetuses of the pregnant women) being covered up by the US and NATO, and blatantly denied for 40 days until a reporter from the London Times, meticulously documenting the facts, showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but actual murderers, the issue of US War Crimes had been gaining attention, in a way which up until now has been poo-pood by Democrats. Anyone who criticized Obama was clearly a racist, and well, let’s just not talk about the war(s).

And then, a few days ago in Khandahar, American troops murdered a group of civilians on a bus, because the bus driver failed to stop at a checkpoint, as Obama and his Liberal Democratic Warmongers decide to spread the War into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Liberal Democrats knew very well, when they voted for Obama, that they were voting for a continued occupation and intrusion into the internal affairs of these countries at enormous cost to American lives and treasure. They knew very well that they were just speeding the bankruptcy of America, and were sending for certain more young men and women to their deaths. They had a clear choice in Congressman Ron Paul, who stated emphatically that he would begin to withdraw US forces immediately as quickly as was safe for the troops. But it was more important for the Liberal Democrats to keep their welfare checks, even if the price was a continued presence in the Middle East, and even if it meant murdering more Afghani and Paki kids.

The Liberal Democratic butchers, who directly murdered the two pregnant women, the 18-year old girl, the police officer, and his bodyguard, by voting into office Barack Obama, are completely responsible for every murder of every civilian in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. If the terror that is being inflicted on Muslims by America’s Liberal Democrats were being inflicted on those same Liberal Democrats at home, we would suddenly hear holy hosannas of why these occupations must stop, and enough is enough! That’s exactly what we heard when we hear the screams of “Bush murderer!” coming from every Liberal for the last several years of the Bush Administration. But now the screamers are silent, even though the situation is exactly the same, only the murdered victims are new, as well as the murderers, who are now your sainted Liberal Democrats, not Bush Republicans.

Silverwolf was reminded of this monumental hypocrisy last night when he listened to that Liberal/Left Propaganda show, Late Night Live, broadcast to America via shortwave, thanks to the (willing and unwilling) taxpayers of Australia.  Host Phillip Adams, who was always scathing and cynical when it came to George Bush in Iraq, was having his usual Left/Liberal favorite “intellectual” on, Bruce Shapiro, who is also a high-up editor at “The Nation” magazine, a bastion of the FDR big-government-spending crew, and (how conveniently) head of the Dart Center for Journalism at Columbia University, one of those thousands and thousands of schools that mulct the public out of their money by received loot through the Department of Education. (Of course, “intellectuals”, in such a society are very circumspect in their criticisms of the government, because it is the same government that is feeding  them very nicely through its subsidies to the institutions that employ them. Thus, all the “experts” who never get to the root of a problem, because to solve the problem would be to radically uproot an existing government program — and their paychecks. And recall, that “radical” refers to tearing up “at the roots” (and undoubtedly where we get the word “radish” from.))

The murders of a dozen civilians because American troops decided to shoot up a bus full of women and kids, along with a simultaneous release in Australia of an Apache helicopter video, showing US pilots gunning down two journalists (perhaps that hit home with journalists Shapiro and Adams the way the murder of a civilian kid wouldn’t), and this coming a week after the London Times showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but cunning murderers who would dig the bullets out of pregnant women’s bodies, and the walls, to cover up their crime — all these are the direct result of every person who voted for the Democrats in the last election, and all the political pundits and propagandists, the Ray Taliaferros, John Rothmanns, Gene Burnses, Alan Dershowitzes,  Gore Vidals and Bruce Shapiros, who worked assiduously to get this War Criminal into a position of power. And they have succeeded. They have murdered their first civilians.

Of course, to dodge the column, Shapiro grandiloquently talked about the “mistakes” that could be made in “these kinds of operations”. He talked about the “dangers” for the Obama Administration, that these situations “could” present. And we always must be “aware of the pitfalls” that ground operations “may” present.

He never mentioned, as Ron Paul did, that these “mistakes” are inevitable. It’s just not you, Bruce, who has to eat the consequences. It’s some Paki kid, or pregnant woman, whom you’ll never see the corpse of. Nor will those “Minnesota nice” Liberal Democrats, defending Saint Obama.

Yes, those pitfalls, and mistakes, and dangers are a problem for the President. But, Mr. Shapiro, for those civilians who were killed it was not “a problem”, or “a mistake” or even a “pitfall”; rather, it was the end of their earthly existence forever. That was your and your fellow Democrat’s gift to them when you voted, and urged voting for, Barack Obama: Death.

You see, when Bush was in office, it was plain “murder” the Liberals were talking about, but now they are in, and doing the killing, it”s “mistakes”, “dangers”, “pitfalls”, that “might” occur.

No, we knew they “would” occur before the election, and so did the Liberal Democrats, but it was more important for them to keep getting their Commie benefit packages that they knew would be coming if Obama was elected, even if it meant getting thousands of civilians half-way around the world murdered, and millions upon millions of civilians having to live in terror and having their lives turned into pure misery for years on end.

And what a recruiting bonanza for the IslamoFascists! Could they have better allies than War Criminal Barack Obama, and all the War Criminals in the Democratic Party who voted for him, and approved his Military Budget of over 600 Billion dollars, like Liberal Democrat Peter DeFazio? Not if they were Louis Farrakhan himself.

No, the Liberal Democrats and the President have massive amounts of civilian blood on their hands, and they can’t weasel out of it. It is they who are directly responsible for those murders in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are butchers. And it is only those of us who voted for Ron Paul, the Peace Candidate, for the Presidency of these United States, who could have saved those civilians from certain death.

I wonder how all you Liberals sleep tonight, knowing you took the blood of so many children when you went into that voting booth and voted for Barack Obama, instead of Ron Paul or Bob Barr, who would have both brought the troops home immediately.?You voters, you Congressmen who voted funds for these operations, and the President, Barack Obama, are directly responsible for mass civilian murder.

And why is no Liberal in the Streets? Why is it that phony Liberals like Gore Vidal, who virtually called Bush a Hitler, are not out protesting at the White House? Why are the streets of LA and NY and SF silent? Is it because murder and War Crimes carried out by a Republican are evil, but War Crimes carried out by a Liberal Democrat President and a Liberal Democrat Congress don’t stink to high heaven? Hypocrites! You have turned America into a cesspool, financially and morally. You are a curse on this body politic.

To the Streets! To the Barricades! Let the voice of the Peace Movement be heard, and it looks like the only Peace Movement in America comes from the “Right”, the Right of Ron Paul and the anti-war Libertarians.

Out now! Impeach War Criminal Barack Obama! Ron Paul for President!

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Pathetics Row, KGO, San Francisco

January 26, 2010

It comes as no surprise to Silverwolf that the economic and political ignorance in the San Francisco Bay Area can elect charlatans and charlatanettes like Speaker Pelosi, Gavin Nuisance, and Willie His Royal Highness Brown, when he considers the pathetic line-up of economic and political pablum that is served up most nights on radio station KGO. While the station  maintains a nominal adherence to a wide panoply of political prejudices, its typical night is liberally sprinkled with Liberal and so-called Moderate Demagogucrats, the folks that have been working so hard to brainwash the American public into the lie that there is a principled difference between the Dems and Repubs. Considering that these people are being paid good, soft, unsound, U.S. federal reserve notes to flap their lips for a ten hours, its a shame that it is done in the cause of obfuscating the understanding of the American public, instead of leading it into the light.

In reverse order of appearance, we start off with that former Republican, now longtime super-Liberal Ray Taliaferro. Silverwolf has long ago discussed his reverse racist hypocrisy during the presidential campaign of ’08 (that’s 2008 for you historians of the future). But to now hear Taliaferro have to come up with nightly justifications of Obama’s obvious Fascism, and to hear him completely ignore or gloss over Obama’s vicious assaults on Habeas Corpus, his promotion of involuntary servitude in the form of a national service requirement, his escalation of the war, and his utter kowtowing to the corporate interests in America, as if he were not part of them, is really a disgusting display of sin by omission by Taliaferro. The years of whining about Cheney and Bush have given way to a deafening silence as Obama continues essentially the exact same policies as Bush, and fulsome praise when Obama occasionally gets one right. When it comes to political integrity, Taliaferro is completely lacking. Another running dog for the corporate Fascists, who worked extremely hard during the campaign to put their agent in power. Thanks Ray for the War and the Fascism. Looks like you were wrong again, and we who supported the Peace and Civil Rights candidate, Ron Paul, were right. Again.

Next up is that master of political obfuscation, John Rothmann. Now, Rothmann is an interesting speaker, and has many cogent political observations to make. His choice of topics too is usually highly topical. But since guessingly 80% of his callers are preaching to the choir, their quality of economic analysis is usually lacking. Typically, some woman who seems to know exactly what is wrong with every aspect of the government, will call in and tell us that profit needs to be taken out of the medical profession, the usual leftist call that would lead to a horrendous shortage of doctors and nurses. One wonder why else people would go through the arduous horrors of medical school, and the arduous discipline of maintaining a surgery, or are doctors supposed to be saints, and not be interested in money, unlike every other working person in this society, from the bus driver to the plumber, who is working solely for the profit motive? And there are no shortages of busdrivers and plumbers.

Of course wrong-way Rothmann has been pushing the Clinton corporate-healthcare bill as “better than nothing”. Rothmann uses the Marxist/LBJ argument that if they can just get their foot in the door with this new massive intrusion of the government into the most private lives of the citizenry, that it can be expanded later and made even more intrusive when the political climate is more responsive. Well, Ron Paul warned us this was exactly what the Collectivists would attempt, so we saw this forkball coming and dropping, a la Elroy Face. Rothmann, ensconced in his Bay Area  Liberal cocoon, completely missed the vast anger that welled up in the American public at the Townhall meetings, an anger generated by that public suddenly realizing that this new healthcare boondoggle that the Democrats were forcing down their throats as fast as they could be induced to swallow it, was going to choke a lot of folks to death, economically speaking. No, Rothmann’s only wish was to get this massive new inflationary program underway, no matter how bad it was, because that is part of the agenda that Rothmann believes should be part of government. He talks about a “flexible” Constitution; you can see why it is so essential to talk thusly, because the Constitution was designed exactly to prevent the kind of government impositions on the Citizens that this Healthcare Bill imposes.

It shouldn’t surprise us that wrong-way Rothmann was on the staff of, and supported, Richard Nixon when he was in the White House, but finally woke up, and supported George McGovern. One must wonder about the native intelligence of Rothmann, who is a virulent anti-Nazi for obvious reasons, when one considers that Nixon was instrumental in getting key Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators into America, where most of them lived happily for several decades. Yet Rothmann was on the staff of this anti-Semite. Thirty years later, and Rothmann, in spite of all his political exposure and knowledge of American history, is still on the wrong side of the fence. Well, at least he and Silverwolf stand shoulder-to-shoulder in our opposition to that most fundamental abridgment of Libertarian values, the Death Penalty, or legalized judicial murder carried out by the Leviathan State.  Rothmann, to his credit, has long argued against this abomination, as has Silverwolf. But we have yet to convince the whole world.

Perhaps most pathetic of all the contestants in Pathetics Row is Gene Burns, if only because Burns had the most to promise, but seems to have burned it. Burns, whose political positions seem very similar to Rothmann’s, was once a Libertarian, and was, in fact, seriously considered as a powerful candidate from that party for the presidency. Listen to Murray Rothbard as he praised Burns back around 1990 as a great speaker, and an up and coming light in Libertarianism. What happened?

Now Burns seems to be nothing more than an Obama and Democratic apologist, ignoring, like Taliaferro, all the horrendously anti-Libertarian legislation (indefinite prolonged detention without charge) that our anti-Constitutionalist new President has floated in his speeches to make these abominations more palatable. Obama is a master of the propaganda of the word; like Clinton he uses words to create impressions which he can then backtrack on by saying he meant something else, and that his words had been misconstrued.

A mountain of bullscat, and these Democratic apologists act as if it’s a bed of roses. How pathetic!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwww! — Silverwolf

Socialism Hits Home: The UCLA Student Tuition Riots

November 20, 2009

So the bubble finally burst. The Keynesian Socialism which has run California as a Progressive-Liberal State since the days of Edmund G. “Pat”, has finally spent itself into its inevitable oblivion, and now the populace must pay the Austrian School Piper.

For years Californians have passively paid their very high income taxes on top of an immorally large sales tax in order to jail tens of thousands of innocents on Cannabis charges, and pay the salaries of the Prison Guard industry which benefits so lucridly from these immoral incarcerations. They have paid for the bloated salaries of countless state commission boards, whose members earn in a year multiples of what the average Americans AGI is, while only having to attend a handful of meetings. They have wasted it on their profligate State pension schemes, which delivers to state workers a pension equal to the income of a retired multimillionaire after only a score of years on the job. They have wasted it on the exorbitant salaries of the Chancellors of the University of California who salaries are in the multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars (not including benefits, pension, and residence in something more than a dorm room), and the thousands of administrators and bureaucrats who run not only the University, but all the other countless branches of California government. And the students have not cared, just as the pensioners and medicaid receivers never cared, as long as the Socialist gravy train kept a-comin.

And now they have butted their heads up against the many-pronged horns of economic reality, and the reality is that California is the shining example of the failed welfare-Keynesian State, with welfare for the triumvirate of some of the poor, the corporations, and the state bureaucrats and pension-grabbers. And the students are angry.

Well, we’re sorry, kids, but the 32% tuition increase you are getting is just what you deserve for ignoring all the fiscal injustices that we listed above, and not voting for Libertarian politicians. And still the ignoramus Liberals calling in to John Rothmann’s talk show demand more taxes on the rich. Yes, drive even more of the affluent out of your state, so that you can shift the “fair share” of your welfare to the working youth and the students. After all the students have their whole life — and forty years of drudgery paying for your pensions and welfare — ahead of them, so let’s throw part of the burden on their backs.

UCLA students, you have only yourselves and your fellow Californians to blame for the 32% increase in tuition, because you failed to understand Capitalist Economics. You were very easily suckered into the Keynesian lies, that money doesn’t need a commodity backing, and that a benevolent central bank will always do what is best for the nation, not best for the corporations and their close associates. One reason your costs are going up is because the dollar is being undermined by the Obama-Pelosi-Bush-McConnell collectivists, and their minions at the FED,  who want their warfare-welfare state as planned, no matter what the sincere voters may believe, by spreading their propaganda messages of “change”. Ha, they have left you with small change, and only a year into their regime.

But actually, students,  you individually are to blame if you didn’t vote for Ron Paul for president in the primaries, or later Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party. If you voted for Obama or McCain, you voted for massive inflation and a continuation of the warfare-welfare state, and you’re getting exactly what you voted for. And there is a certain justice in that.

If you didn’t vote for Ron Paul, then don’t get mad at the cops; get mad at the face staring back at you from the mirror.

Enjoy your poverty, socialists. You voted it on yourselves.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Spitting in the Eye of the Fascist: The Olympic Protests

April 10, 2008

Well, maybe Ron Paul’s campaign is bearing fruit after all, for the news has been filled the last few days with the courageous protests against the Clinton-Democrat-enabled entry of Chinese Fascism into some of the most sacred sactuaries of Libertarian Capitalism: London, Paris, and Frisco. The murdering Fascists thought it would be a cake-walk to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the world by parading their nationalist garbage in front of the lobotomised American, British and French publics, but it looks like the spirit of Lord Bertrand Russell and Lord Acton, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, and Sam Adams and Thomas Jefferson, still lives. John Rothmann’s namby-pamby suggestion of turning ones back on the run, coming at the same time as he is campaigning for the wife of the man who enabled the Chinese Fascists to hold on to their vast theft of Tibet, a theft that has lasted for almost 60 years with hardly a peep from the so-called “free world”, a world that should have shunned all contact with the Chinese Fascists, this namby-pamby Rothmannism has been put aside for the spirit that spat in the eye of war-criminal Hubert Humphrey at the Chicago convention in 1968, and his vile, woman-clubbing sidekick, mayor Richard Daley. Back then, the people knew how to treat those war-criminals, just as the Libertarians of London-Paris-SF are treating this insult to the whole American Spirit, when our miscreant officials permit the Chinese-Commie criminals to parade through our streets. London is no longer a sleepy town for the street fighting man; socialist Paris is getting some testosterone for a change, and SF — well, hell hath no fury like an incensed Tenderloin Queen (so we hear). Give em one from Silverwolf!

Hey hey, my my, Liberty will never die.

Free Tibet! Boycott the Chinese-Communist murderers. Elect Ron Paul President of the United States of America. Just do it!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf


John Rothmann: Hypocrite on Racism

January 21, 2008

Silverwolf was fairly sickened the other evening to hear Democrat talk-show host, John Rothmann, refer to Ron Paul as an “anti-Semite” in spite of Dr. Paul’s renunciations as to his having written any of the controversial material that occurred in the newsletters carrying his name. As Silverwolf has discussed previously, he reviewed the passages on David Duke and Zundel in the newsletters and could not call them “anti-Semitic”. In light of Dr. Paul’s long association with Murray Rothbard, Aaron Russo, Walter Block, Bert Blumert, and his admiration for Ludwig Mises, Frederick Hayek, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks, and in light of the fact that Austin, TX NAACP leader, Nelson Lender, who has known Dr. Paul for 20 years, stated that in his opinion Dr. Paul is not a racist, it is interesting to ponder Rothmann’s character assassination. To call someone a racist when they are not is a serious crime, the crime of character assassination. People ought to be absolutely sure when they throw around such charges.

Now our previous blog dealt with the hypocrisy of those who call Dr. Paul a racist, but then warmly support Barack Obama. Silverwolf pointed out that Obama belongs to a church which gave its Man of the Year Award to the racist Jew-baiter, Louis Farrakhan, a fitting successor to the war-criminal Jules Streicher. He has also embraced the Jew-hater Al Sharpton. Now, this does not necessarily mean that Obama is an anti-Semite; but it does mean that he is willing to entertain warm relations with those who try to incite violence and hatred against Jews.

A few minutes after Rothmann charged that Dr. Paul was an anti-Semite, a woman caller phoned in and pointed out the very points that Silverwolf has pointedly made regarding Obama’s long association with these racist miscreants — and what was Rothmann’s response? A hurried defense of Obama, stating over and over that he has supported Israel as a Senator, etc. and completely sloughing off and ignoring the fact that he belongs to a church (and a church that pointedly defines itself as a Black church — one wonders what the reaction would be if Dr. Paul belonged to a church that defined itself as a “White” church) that has given its highest award to a rabid racist. When the woman reiterated the fact that this congregation had given it’s highest award to a racist, Rothmann countered that his Rabbi had recently been charged with some form of sexual misconduct, but that did not necessarily reflect the views of the congregation on sexual harassment. But this, of course, is a completely specious parallel, and won’t wash,  and someone as erudite in the art and subtleties of forensics as John Rothmann knows it. The whole congregation endorsing racism by giving its highest award to a racist is not the same thing morally as the sexual pecadilloes of the Rabbi, which reflects only on his own character, and will be rectified once he is replaced.

As  Mr. J Krishnamurti said, when you’re making propaganda, it’s a lie.

 That woman caller called Rothmann on his inconsistency, but he finally calmed her down enough to where she “hoped” Obama was not a racist. Modern American compromise.

Now, Silverwolf is not calling Obama a racist. But he is saying that he is willing to hang out with and embrace rabid Jew-haters like Sharpton, something that John Rothmann doesn’t seem to mind one iota, while Dr. Paul, who almost certainly didn’t write the scat that contaminates his newsletters, not only speaks, but also acts, against the racist drug-legislation that has enabled Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama to jail and ruin the lives of so many Black Folks, folks who will be pardoned and released on day one if Dr. Paul is elected president.

And Rothmann’s final out, in any conversation where perceptive callers point out the putrid politics of the Democratic frontrunners, is to ask them about the Supreme Court and a woman’s right to choose, and what will happen if “any” Republican wins. I wonder that Rothmann never seems to care about the rights of the terminally ill to choose to end their pain by using heroin, something the Democratic drug-warriors have denied to the terminally ill for years, so that probably millions of Americans have died in excruciating agony because a Fascist caitiff like Bill Clinton didn’t have the guts once in his eight years in office to fight for the rights of the dying. And let’s not forget that $400-a- haircut Edwards, the “man of the people” with his 31 million dollars, is so morally bankrupt that he even opposes the medical use of cannabis, according to NORML. What moral trashbins these “people” are.

And those who have listened to Dr. Paul know that if that “Republican” is elected, not only will the racist drug-laws be chucked out in a day, and the millions of Black, White and Hispanic prisoners be freed, but the terminally ill, now rotting in pain and agony in the hospices of America will have new hope that their pain will be assuaged. Thank you, Ron Paul, for caring about society’s true underdogs.

And as for John Rothmann, the Hypocrite of Racism, he is truly “a shanda fur der Goyim” — a disgrace in front of the Gentiles.

Silverwolf will howl to that.

Hooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. — Silverwolf