Posts Tagged ‘Alan Dershowitz’

Jefferson Stabbed in the Back: the Supreme Court’s Prayer Ruling

May 6, 2014

Jefferson’s beautiful Libertarian Republic has once again been stabbed in the back, and this time fatally. The blade entered through the wedge created by the overthrow of the necessity of Separation of Church and State, one of the key ingredients in Jefferson’s prescription for Human Liberty.

This overthrow was engineered by five Catholics, imposing their will on a nation that is predominantly Protestant, and which was created by Christian Radicals, mostly Protestant, fleeing the Church-State tyrannies that dominated and enslaved Europe for so long. It was overthrown by a court that does not have one Protestant or Atheist sitting on its bench, in a country which is overwhelmingly Protestant, though they are fractured into hundreds of different sects. And this is called representative justice.

But even the three Jews and one Catholic who did try to defend those Protestants who agree with Jefferson that a Church-State connection is one of the first steps toward tyranny, — even they put up a feeble resistance, and did not touch on the real violations in this case which are Involuntary Servitude, and Theft of taxpayer’s monies.

Moreover, the Justices did not address the great divisiveness and factionalism which this heinous ruling will bring about, the hatred and aggression between members of local communities who never before really thought or cared that much about their neighbor’s views on organized religions.

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Catholics burned Protestants alive for their religious views and writings. Protestants burned Catholics alive for their religious views and writings. Protestants burned other Protestants alive for their religious views and writings. Catholics burned other Catholics alive for their religious views and writings.

And then came the Libertarian American Revolution, led by Thomas Jefferson and Thom Paine. “Build up a Wall of Separation between Church and State”, wrote Wisechief Jefferson.

And tragically, yesterday, the emasculated Supreme Court overthrew that Wall of Separation that has made America a country where people of all religions, agnostics, and atheists, can trade and fulfill their commodity needs in a generally orderly fashion, without religous differences having any significant impact on their market behaviour.

And this heinous overthrow was backed by that disgrace in the White House who was put there with the backing of leading Liberal Democrats, like Alan Dershowitz and John Rothmann, and supposed Liberal defenders of Civil Rights like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL. They helped put this religous fanatic in the White House, and it will be everyone in America who is a true Jeffersonian Libertarian and truly religious, and who doesn’t want to have the Deity’s name in any way connected with such an immoral government, who will suffer.

Jefferson taught us that government is a necessary evil, but an evil nevertheless. Why then would you want to contaminate “That which is Sacred” by any contact with such an immoral government as the American Government has become? And it has become that way because it moved away from the Libertarian Principles which motivated Thomas Jefferson, and the Radicals of the American Revolution. Those principles lead to both Civil Liberties, and Free-Market Capitalism. The two are intimately entwined.

But the legal reason why any official prayer before a townhall meeting, or any public-government event, should be illegal is that it is both a form of involuntary servitude, and a form of theft.

Prayer before a government event, like a city council meeting, violates the Constitutional prohibition against Involuntary Servitude, by forcing an attendee at a townhall meeting to either wait through the prayer, or remove themselves from the hall. But the reason they came to the meeting was to conduct secular, government business. In that their time and energy has been wasted in the course of their carrying out their civic duties or necessities, they have been forced into involutary servitude. You should not have your time wasted, or be forced to leave a public hall, because of someone else’s religious practices. And this is the one of the real reasons why this ruling by the Supreme Court is wrong, immoral, and unConstitutional.

The other reason is the theft of those taxpayer’s monies who agree with Jefferson on separation of church and state. While the prayers are being said in the townhall, the lights are running, the air conditioner may be going, the electricity is being used — and all, not in the service of legitimate government functions, but to further the religious propaganda of one of our major organized religions. These lights and power all cost money, and the fact that that tax money is being mulcted out of the Jeffersonian Citizens to pay for this violation of Separation of Church and State is actually Theft of Money, which in Libertarian Doctrine is a very serious, heinous crime.

In short, these prayer-pushers at public meetings are Slave Owners and Thieves, breeding factionalism and division among the American Public.

And the five disgraceful “Justices”, who voted for this vile overthrow of the Separation of Church and State, need to be impeached.

Hooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf


John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman: Helping to Destroy Israel

May 22, 2011

It’s funny how those who have put the worst enemy Israel has had in the White House since Jimmy Carter are now scurrying to cover their blindness to racism. Ed Koch, the peabrained “kochelaffel” former mayor of NYC, actually donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign, so he is fully responsible for what he has created: an indefensible Israel surrounded by newly-energized murderers and racists, thanks to Obama’s reference to the 1967 lines as the negotiating area. No equal demand by Obama on the PA to end its collaboration with Hamas, to end the absurd and fictitious “right of return”, to end the anti-Semitic cartoons in their press. But when it came to Israel, throwing out a phrase that Obama well knew would completely undermine the ability of Israel to negotiate a two-state solution. Now the new goal-post moving demand will be “the 67 borders and right of return”, i.e. perpetual war, and never having to make peace.

John Rothmann, as usual, was not outraged by the President’s comments, since he is the classical barking dog for the Democrat Party. Whatever immoral positions they may adopt, he will be there to defend them, and if he is ever “outraged” at something the President does, a few hours or days later he will be back defending him on a different issue. As if morality varies with each issue, and is not a deep characteristic of a politician. Usually he is merely “troubled”; occasionally he is “deeply disturbed”, and even he knew there was a rotten fish in Denmark when he pointed out that the President made no mention of the Muslim Brotherhood in his remarks and demand for $1 billion for Egypt. As Dave Emory, a great anti-Fascist historian and archivist, has so well documented at his incredibly good website, the Muslim Brotherhood was set up as an extension of the Nazis in Egypt. They are a Fascist organization. They hold the same view of Jews as the Nazis, and want to murder them. No mention of this by the President in his speech. They also try to come to power through elections, and by giving Egypt a billion dollars, the President is empowering a neo-Nazi, fanatically religious, gang that has no love for America, except for its money, and fueling Middle East anti-Semitism. These are the fruits of John Rothmann’s support for Obama, and as he recently said, he would still vote for Obama over any Republican, which evidently includes staunch defenders of Israel’s right to exist like Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia.

Alan Dershowitz likes to talk of Obama’s “mistake”, as if a deliberately thought out policy designed to undermine Israel, coming from a very sharp lawyer and politician like Barack Obama, was a “mistake”. A typical lawyer’s ploy to decrease the severity of the outrage in the minds of the victims, and the victims in this case were all the Jewish Zionists in America who listened to Dershowitz when he campaigned for Obama, and all the people in Israel, Jews and Muslims, who have to cringe in fear every time a Hamas rocket invades the territory of Israel. Why doesn’t Obama simply carpet-bomb Hamas government buildings if he were a true friend of Israel? Why are Israelis and Sudanese Christians in Darfur worth less to Obama than Libyans?

Abe Foxman was really the most pathetic, when he tried to defend Obama’s speech in an op-ed in the Huffington Hotair Post, while at the same time saying that he was “losing faith” in whether Israel had a real negotiating partner to negotiate with, after reading PA capo Abu Mazen’s rewriting of Middle East history according to the Nazi blueprint in a recent NY Times op-ed. Many anti-racist Libertarian thinkers, who aren’t heads of multi-million dollar outfits that purport to defend the Jewish people, saw this coming years ago with the election of Barack Obama, the prodigy of “Reverend” Wright, and his Farrakhan-loving congregation of Black Racists. But Abe Foxman wasn’t perceptive enough to see it. Why trust such a dim-witted, unperceptive “leader”?

It is these four, John Rothmann, Ed Koch, Alan Dershowitz, and Abraham Foxman, all self-proclaimed Zionists and friends of Israel, who have helped to put into the White House the worst enemy Israel has had to face since Carter and Nixon, and  who have endangered the entire Jewish People in one of the most precarious situations they have faced in four thousand years. They are fully responsible, along with the 78% of American-Jewish voters who voted for Obama in 2008.  And note, they all live in America, far from the threat of the Hamas murderers and the PA homicide-bombers.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

President Obama and His Liberal Democrats Join the War Criminals Club

April 14, 2010

Well, it did not take long for Barack Obama, the first African-American President in history, to join the ranks of the Wondy Whiterbread War Criminals who have held that office since the days of Kennedy (we won’t go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt or McKinley in the Philippines.) Barack Obama is now in the odious high circles of the other War Criminals who have held the office since those early 60’s: Lyndon Johnson and his entourage, Richard Stinkhouse Nixon, Old “Dutch” Reagan (his mining of the Nicaraguan harbors was technically a War Crime, his actions in Central America an actual one), or Carter, resuming military aid to Dictator Anastasio Somoza on Carter’s last day in office, an action which Silverwolf considers a War Crime, even if the world doesn’t.

With the recent murders of 5 civilians (7 if you count the foetuses of the pregnant women) being covered up by the US and NATO, and blatantly denied for 40 days until a reporter from the London Times, meticulously documenting the facts, showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but actual murderers, the issue of US War Crimes had been gaining attention, in a way which up until now has been poo-pood by Democrats. Anyone who criticized Obama was clearly a racist, and well, let’s just not talk about the war(s).

And then, a few days ago in Khandahar, American troops murdered a group of civilians on a bus, because the bus driver failed to stop at a checkpoint, as Obama and his Liberal Democratic Warmongers decide to spread the War into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Liberal Democrats knew very well, when they voted for Obama, that they were voting for a continued occupation and intrusion into the internal affairs of these countries at enormous cost to American lives and treasure. They knew very well that they were just speeding the bankruptcy of America, and were sending for certain more young men and women to their deaths. They had a clear choice in Congressman Ron Paul, who stated emphatically that he would begin to withdraw US forces immediately as quickly as was safe for the troops. But it was more important for the Liberal Democrats to keep their welfare checks, even if the price was a continued presence in the Middle East, and even if it meant murdering more Afghani and Paki kids.

The Liberal Democratic butchers, who directly murdered the two pregnant women, the 18-year old girl, the police officer, and his bodyguard, by voting into office Barack Obama, are completely responsible for every murder of every civilian in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. If the terror that is being inflicted on Muslims by America’s Liberal Democrats were being inflicted on those same Liberal Democrats at home, we would suddenly hear holy hosannas of why these occupations must stop, and enough is enough! That’s exactly what we heard when we hear the screams of “Bush murderer!” coming from every Liberal for the last several years of the Bush Administration. But now the screamers are silent, even though the situation is exactly the same, only the murdered victims are new, as well as the murderers, who are now your sainted Liberal Democrats, not Bush Republicans.

Silverwolf was reminded of this monumental hypocrisy last night when he listened to that Liberal/Left Propaganda show, Late Night Live, broadcast to America via shortwave, thanks to the (willing and unwilling) taxpayers of Australia.  Host Phillip Adams, who was always scathing and cynical when it came to George Bush in Iraq, was having his usual Left/Liberal favorite “intellectual” on, Bruce Shapiro, who is also a high-up editor at “The Nation” magazine, a bastion of the FDR big-government-spending crew, and (how conveniently) head of the Dart Center for Journalism at Columbia University, one of those thousands and thousands of schools that mulct the public out of their money by received loot through the Department of Education. (Of course, “intellectuals”, in such a society are very circumspect in their criticisms of the government, because it is the same government that is feeding  them very nicely through its subsidies to the institutions that employ them. Thus, all the “experts” who never get to the root of a problem, because to solve the problem would be to radically uproot an existing government program — and their paychecks. And recall, that “radical” refers to tearing up “at the roots” (and undoubtedly where we get the word “radish” from.))

The murders of a dozen civilians because American troops decided to shoot up a bus full of women and kids, along with a simultaneous release in Australia of an Apache helicopter video, showing US pilots gunning down two journalists (perhaps that hit home with journalists Shapiro and Adams the way the murder of a civilian kid wouldn’t), and this coming a week after the London Times showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but cunning murderers who would dig the bullets out of pregnant women’s bodies, and the walls, to cover up their crime — all these are the direct result of every person who voted for the Democrats in the last election, and all the political pundits and propagandists, the Ray Taliaferros, John Rothmanns, Gene Burnses, Alan Dershowitzes,  Gore Vidals and Bruce Shapiros, who worked assiduously to get this War Criminal into a position of power. And they have succeeded. They have murdered their first civilians.

Of course, to dodge the column, Shapiro grandiloquently talked about the “mistakes” that could be made in “these kinds of operations”. He talked about the “dangers” for the Obama Administration, that these situations “could” present. And we always must be “aware of the pitfalls” that ground operations “may” present.

He never mentioned, as Ron Paul did, that these “mistakes” are inevitable. It’s just not you, Bruce, who has to eat the consequences. It’s some Paki kid, or pregnant woman, whom you’ll never see the corpse of. Nor will those “Minnesota nice” Liberal Democrats, defending Saint Obama.

Yes, those pitfalls, and mistakes, and dangers are a problem for the President. But, Mr. Shapiro, for those civilians who were killed it was not “a problem”, or “a mistake” or even a “pitfall”; rather, it was the end of their earthly existence forever. That was your and your fellow Democrat’s gift to them when you voted, and urged voting for, Barack Obama: Death.

You see, when Bush was in office, it was plain “murder” the Liberals were talking about, but now they are in, and doing the killing, it”s “mistakes”, “dangers”, “pitfalls”, that “might” occur.

No, we knew they “would” occur before the election, and so did the Liberal Democrats, but it was more important for them to keep getting their Commie benefit packages that they knew would be coming if Obama was elected, even if it meant getting thousands of civilians half-way around the world murdered, and millions upon millions of civilians having to live in terror and having their lives turned into pure misery for years on end.

And what a recruiting bonanza for the IslamoFascists! Could they have better allies than War Criminal Barack Obama, and all the War Criminals in the Democratic Party who voted for him, and approved his Military Budget of over 600 Billion dollars, like Liberal Democrat Peter DeFazio? Not if they were Louis Farrakhan himself.

No, the Liberal Democrats and the President have massive amounts of civilian blood on their hands, and they can’t weasel out of it. It is they who are directly responsible for those murders in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are butchers. And it is only those of us who voted for Ron Paul, the Peace Candidate, for the Presidency of these United States, who could have saved those civilians from certain death.

I wonder how all you Liberals sleep tonight, knowing you took the blood of so many children when you went into that voting booth and voted for Barack Obama, instead of Ron Paul or Bob Barr, who would have both brought the troops home immediately.?You voters, you Congressmen who voted funds for these operations, and the President, Barack Obama, are directly responsible for mass civilian murder.

And why is no Liberal in the Streets? Why is it that phony Liberals like Gore Vidal, who virtually called Bush a Hitler, are not out protesting at the White House? Why are the streets of LA and NY and SF silent? Is it because murder and War Crimes carried out by a Republican are evil, but War Crimes carried out by a Liberal Democrat President and a Liberal Democrat Congress don’t stink to high heaven? Hypocrites! You have turned America into a cesspool, financially and morally. You are a curse on this body politic.

To the Streets! To the Barricades! Let the voice of the Peace Movement be heard, and it looks like the only Peace Movement in America comes from the “Right”, the Right of Ron Paul and the anti-war Libertarians.

Out now! Impeach War Criminal Barack Obama! Ron Paul for President!

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

The Pathetic Left’s Obama Hangover

November 30, 2009

The Left, it seems, is getting quite a hangover from their Il Duce, President Obama. What can one howl to the Left? “We told you so?” But voting for those free goodies, and punishing high income producers, was worth getting a lot more folk killed in Afghanistan to them, and now they are wringing their hands in anguish, but still saying that they voted right, even though they voted for death and warmongering. If those people had voted for Ron Paul or Bob Barr, the troops would all be home by now, and the burden could have fallen on the wealthy Saudis and Gulf Arabs or whomever in the region felt threatened by the religionous Fascists of the Taliban. The Taliban are Miscreants, but America or a NATO coalition can never defeat them on the ground, without incurring massive civilian casualties and refugee misery that no American or Englishman would tolerate in their “Homelands”, especially when imposed by countries half-way around the world. Thanks Leftists for getting a whole bunch of women and children butchered; their blood is on your hands. Those of us who voted for Ron Paul and later Bob Barr would have saved many lives if we had succeeded. Those who voted for Obama have caused the deaths of many innocent civilians, and they must bear the weight of their guilt in their minds forevermore. Those who voted for McCain would probably have caused the same misery; perhaps even worse.

And the manifestations of  that hangover of the Left came clearly in two distinct missives, one paper, one shortwave.

Silverwolf happened to peruse an issue of the latest newsletter from Rural Organizing Project, a “progressive” Oregon non-profit which espouses the usual laundry list of demands: tax the rich and give free everything to everybody in the name of “Human Dignity”. The Human Rights violations in robbing someone through the tax system of what they have produced to give to those who have made no effort to produce never seems to occur to these folks, and in a sense what they want is the Power to be able to do this, more than the actual tax revenue. If you can tax someone 40 or 50%, well, then one day in an “emergency” you can tax them 90%, as they did in Britain and Truman’s America, or impose Eugene McCarthy’s idea for a 100% confiscation of one’s Estate upon death. Now that’s an idea that will really appeal to the followers of Robespierre: a financial guillotine for the talented people of the country so that the others can drink the lifeblood of the labour with which they filled up their days for forty or sixty years. The years of drudgery sustained by their victims are soon forgotten by the looters.

Anyway, the writer of the newsletter lamented the high hopes they’d had for Obama (you mean all those flipflops like saying he’d limit himself to public funding during the campaign if McCain would, and then backing out when it was more profitable for him to do so, his overthrow of Wisechief Jefferson’s “Wall of Separation between Church and State” by expanding Bush’s “Faith Based Initiative” garbage, his advocacy of mandatory Volunteering, which is involuntary servitude and paves the wave for another Draft in the Hitler-LBJ tradition, his calls for prolonged detention, overthrowing 700 years of Habeas Corpus, his kowtowing to some of the worlds leading Human Rights Violators, like the heads of Saudi Arabia and Totalitarian China, his vowing to end secret CIA prisons, and then permitting them in Afghanistan because they are under the Army Special Forces Division — all these contradictions didn’t make you skeptical? Can’t you tell a lying hypocrite when you see a lying hypocrite?) They’d been suckered by the rhetoric of peace and change — again. Seems to Silverwolf there is something seriously lacking in the political perceptions of these “progressives” who will regress us right back to the economic chaos of the Weimar Republic, and the inflation that made Hitler possible.

And no sign on the Left of a consciousness about how the Obama monetary policy, under Cardinal Timothy Geithner of the First Keynesian Church of Washington, causes inflation, leads to economic chaos, and just makes it more impossible for the poor to survive. Leftist policies cause inflation and inflation kills poor people — a lesson the Left has never learnt, or rather, doesn’t want to acknowledge because it would destroy their “raison d’etre”, their reason to be, and their reason to be is to wage economic warfare on Capitalists. That’s why they’d rather vote in a war under Obama than a Peace under Ron Paul.

Then came a missive by shortwave from the Stralasian “Land Down Under”. The well-known Radio Stralasian interviewer and semi-Leftist, Phillip Adams, (though he is Capitalist enough to own private property and raise cows, belching methane while he laments climate change and the opposition to carbon emissions schemes in Stralasia — also a fanatic when it comes to forcing every to get vaccinated, a most unLibertarian posture) interviewed Rabbi Michael Lerner, the (self-defined) Left-Progressive who edits Tikkun magazine. Now Lerner is one of those in the Jewish Community who is highly critical of Israel’s policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians, and who had high hopes for Obama. (Lerner’s debate with Alan Dershowitz, available on youtube,in which Dersh rips him to pieces in front of Paula Zahn, will give you a good appreciation of his views.) His disappointment in the President, expressed in the Adams interview, was palpable, and similar in tone to the R.O.P. Newsletter writer. Another Left-“Progressive” who voted in the Warmonger. More American lives lost, more Afghani lives lost, more U.S. debt piled on debt.

The Pathetic Left has no comprehension of the principles of true economics, and now the problems that Socialism and its ally, Keynesian Economics, bring eventually to every economy are hitting the people who think like the folks at R.O.P. And since they are economic illiterates and ignore the self-evident Truths of the Austrian School of Economics, they and their policies can never govern efficiently, but their rule only leads to more chaos and misery for the People of America.

And the Left has a vast blindspot where they cannot see that the values that they are trying to force upon everyone in the America Community are religious values, whose proper place is in the realm of the Church, and not the State or the Government. The Left has either forgotten or ignores the fact that the Jeffersonian Constitution is a Libertarian Document, perhaps THE Libertarian Document,  designed to protect the Individual from the arbitrary power of Government, the exact power that the Left wishes to impose, and needs to impose, to extract wealth from the producing class; but that Jeffersonian Constitution makes no Collectivist attempt to impose essentially Religious Values on the populace at large. These are in the realm of the Church, and there is nothing stopping these people from starting a church or civic group to implement their perceived religious values. Or rather, the only thing stopping them is the need to acquire private property and maintain their right to it — the exact thing they want to outlaw for the Capitalist-Libertarian.

Well, Silverwolf’s advice to the Left is: Get used to economic chaos and Warfare for the next three years, because that’s how long Obama’s term as President will last. Thanks for you gift to America.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Obama’s Religious Fascism: Destroying the Separation of Church and State

July 2, 2008

It didn’t take long for Barack Obama to show his true colors — a mixture of the scat-brown of Hitler’s Brown Shirts and the death-black of Mussolini’s Fascists. His latest target is the Jeffersonian imperative of building up a “wall of separation between Church and State”, which Wisechief Jefferson knew was axiomatic to the maintenance of the Revolutionary American Republic that he and the other Wisechiefs around him set up as the ultimate answer to the problem of Human Tyranny, — a problem which, up to that time, had existed unabated since the days of the Pharoahs. Now Barack Obama and the Collectivists of the Democratic Party have their eyes firmly on that Prize of Libertarianism, and today’s horrendous announcement by Obama marks the first shot across the bows.

In essence, Obama announced he wants to extend and enhance the immoral program set up by “President” (haha) Bush, which channels the taxes paid by all Americans, be they atheist, agnostic, or religious, into the hands of religious organizations, and it goes further that Dubbyah’s desecration of the Constitution, in that those hired must adhere to the religious denomination hiring them. As a firm opponent of any contact between Church and State, even to the extent of not having the government issue marriage licenses, since traditionally marriage has been a religious affair, Silverwolf strongly condemns this latest move by Obama and his Democratic miscreants to destroy this Jeffersonian mechanism which has so effectively prevented religious pogroms in America, in contrast to the bloodied hands of the Europeans, who till this day still insist on shoving organized religion down the throats of one and all with their “State” religions. And let’s not forget Communism, Fascism, and Nazi-National-Socialism, which are also forms of organized religion, though they would never admit it. Silverwolf will take the genius of Jefferson on this subject to the pea-brain intelligence of Obama and his Democratic supporters any day.

One wonders what those Obama apologists, people like Alan Dershowitz and Ray Taliaferro, who have been staunch opponents of melding Church-State relations, will say to this latest travesty. Dershowitz recently decried the tone of religiosity that had crept into the primary campaigns, with virtually all the candidates telling the public just how religious they all were, an assertion contradicted by the way they have led their lives. The one exception to this blasphemy was Congressman Ron Paul, who is a deeply religious man, with several brothers who are Pastors, but who never once mentioned religion in all the speeches Silverwolf saw from him, except to say that our Rights come to us from our Creator, a statement echoed by Jefferson, and so general as to accommodate the views of Agnostics and Atheists, who might well feel their creator was the blind forces of nature, or Franklin’s marvellously vague “Providence”. Never once did we hear him braying about how religious he was, or going on and on, like Obama, Clinton, Romney, Keyes, and Hucksterbee, about their sanctimoniousness. But Dershowitz, who was one of Obama’s professor’s in law school, now supports Obama, the Collectivist who today explained his intention to further break down the wall of separation Dershowitz has so eloquently defended in the past. Silverwolf would refer the reader to that wonderful debate held on William F. Buckley’s Firing Line in the 1990’s, in which Dershowitz so well defended the Jeffersonian Necessity of separation, along with the Reverend Barry Lind, a truly wonderful Reverend, against the foolish Buckley et al. But you can bet that Dershowitz will now be either silent, or more likely, lightly criticise the Obama, while continuing to support him.

And Silverwolf can’t wait to hear someone bring up the topic with Ray Taliaferro, if he even permits it to get past his screeners, although the caller will either be “piped down” or pushed off with a quick “Thank-You-for-your-call-and-let’s-go-to”. Taliaferro, whose contempt for organized religion is truly beautiful in its extremity, even to a Theist like Silverwolf, will slough it off, he is sure, while he continues to sing his constant paeans of praise for the Illinois hypocrite. It will be ignored because it is so damning, and so revelatory of Obama’s shallowness, and lack of understanding of the Constitution, and what America needs to maintain the Republic, or what is left of it. Silverwolf didn’t think it would take long for Obama, who belonged for many years to a church that gave the racist rabble-rouser, Louis Farrakhan, it’s Man of the Year award, and who consorted with the racist, Reverend Al Sharpton,  to reveal his true character, and in doing so, to begin to erode his support. Silverwolf noticed that last month, Obama had a 15% point lead over Senator McCain. Today’s CNN poll shows it has eroded to 5%. And Silverwolf would guess that this latest self-revelation of Obama’s, in an attempt to pander to the Republican Evangelical vote, will lose him many more votes amongst those Liberal Democrats who still know that “a Wall of Separation of Church and State” is absolutely necessary for the American Revolution to revive, and finally come to fruition. But what were they expecting from a Collectivist? It will probably throw a lot of votes to Nader, he would guess, or even McCain or Barr. It will lose him many more that it will gain.

Religionous Collectivists — give “em enough rope and they’ll always hang themselves.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww! — Silverwolf