Posts Tagged ‘Liberal Democrats’

America’s Major Political Party: The B. F. P.

February 23, 2014

America has one main political party into which fall 97% of the people: the B. F. P. or, as it is better known, the Bipartisan Fascist Party. This party compromises virtually all of the Democrats and Republicans in this country, and though there are many so-called Independents, in the final results the radically different parties — the Libertarians and the Socialist Workers Party for example — generally get only a smattering of votes, perhaps 1-3%. The Lemmings flock to the other two Fascist Parties, both big organs of big government-corporate collaboration in the looting of the Individual, be he worker, small businessman, artisan, or small investor. All are fodder for the giant corporate and government interests that suck, for example, $685 Billion under the Democrat Obama out of the hands of private Capitalists and into the coffers of the military-industrial complex, and pay the average Federal Government employee an annual salary of over $100,000. Some defense surely is needed against countries like Canada, that club baby-seals to death in front of their mothers and skin them alive, or Mexico with its sadistic public bull-baitings and murders. Surely such Miscreant Nations do necessitate some kind of military defense against them, but why are American taxpayers forced to pay for the military defense of rich Socialist countries like Germany and Japan, while property taxpayers in America are constantly asked for more money for police because the government is failing in its Jeffersonian responsibilities to defend property rights, which include your own body (i.e. in Libertarian Theory, an assault on your physical person is considered a property rights violation since your body is part of your property)? Imagine if just a fraction of the more than $100 billion we spend every 365 days defending Europe, were given to counties across America to provide real defense against common crimes. That should be the function of the “Defense Department”, not running hundreds of military bases all over the globe, in secure places like Germany and Japan. Let those bloodsucking Fascists pay for their own defense instead of constantly sucking off the American Taxpayer. The Bipartisan Fascists force you to pay for the defense of these dolphin-butchering, whale-slaughtering Racists, and you, the public, go along with it. What a nation of passive wimps America has become.

At the same time, the B.F.P. is bringing environmental havoc all over the globe, and the chaos is finally hitting those areas of Eastern America and Great Britain that for long have ignored the constant deforestation that is occuring in Liberal Democrat States like Oregon and Washington in America, as well as the South, and the other regions of the Earth that are usually raped for their trees. The BBC today had a real-time map of the massive deforestation that has gone on under the Liberal Democrats,since 2000, not only in America, but in Latin America, Australia, Canada, and Sweden. A Dead Planet will be the legacy of Liberal Democrats like Barack Obama, John Kitzhaber, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, and Peter DeFazio, collaborators in the destruction of the Earth, and the stooges of the big timber corporations. These Collaborators have sold America so deeply into debt-slavery with their massive governmental schemes, militaristic budgets, easily-exploited welfare programs, and corporate subsidies and give-aways, that they now maintain, as was predictable long ago, that we must rape the forests and sell them to China to pay our debts.

Notice how the debts they created, unConsitutionally and Democratically,  suddenly became “our” debts. This is the inevitable result of Democracy or a Democratic Republic without a Jeffersonian Constitution and Bill of Rights. And the War on Drugs, and earlier Prohibition, as well as Individual Fascists like the transvestite J Edgar Hoover, destroyed the Bill of Rights long ago. President Obama’s proposed “Indefinite Detention without Trial” is just characteristic of this fact. Obviously, Democratic elections are a necessity, but majority rule without a Bill of Rights protecting every Individual and his property will quickly lead to Fascism. In America, that establishment of entrenched Fascism has only taken the 84 years since Hoover really kicked in the Governmental-Corporate Alliance, which was  greatly augmented by his twin, FDR. Both were corporate Fascists, though history is written as if they were exact opposites. There is little difference between Hoover Dam and Obamacare at root.

So now the Liberals like Tony Blair, and Julia Gillard, and Barack Obama, have wrecked the Environment so badly that their countries and citizens are having to pay huge prices and go through living hells just to survive. They ignored the Environmental Movement, and that movement itself has been obviously a failure since it has failed to stop the Destruction of the Planet. The Environmentalists have aligned themselves with the Liberal Democrats who are destroying the Earth, and they are afraid to criticize them. Even the Environmentalists are going along with the destruction of the Earth, not only by not criticizing and vigorously defending those Liberal Democrats, but by taking no vigorous actions that would bring them down, like mass demonstrations at State capitals, boycotts such as the Founding Fathers used against England, and impeachment of leading Democrats for failing to protect the Environment. They’d rather pussyfoot around while the Earth, the Trees, and the Animals —- and finally Mankind, — are destroyed. They don’t have the guts to attack the Democrat Forest Rapists and the Motherearth Frackers.

So that is how it is in America: One Big Fascist Party, and a few believers in Jeffersonian Libertarianism or Marx’s Workers Paradise.

The Bipartisan Fascist Party is destroying the Earth, and you are letting them.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Obama and The Bipartisan Fascists Attack Privacy and Capitalism

June 13, 2013

Once again, thanks to the voters who voted for Obama, Fascism is on the rise, reaching peaks it had not achieved since the days of Hitler and Mussolini. Its animosity towards Individuality and Privacy are well noted, and now the very people who put the Fascist Obama into the White House are cringing with fear as they realise that every intimate revelation, every minor misdemeanor, and every detail of their private lives, and business and financial transactions, have undoubtedly been stored and perhaps seen by one of the thousands of private contractor NSA financial snoopers. Soon all their medical history and conditions will also be up for blackmail, thanks to Obamacare. Capitalism and the free-market have been dealt a blow that they will probably never recover from. For Obama voters, and the rest of us, it’s too late.

Undoubtedly, many people will be blackmailed by NSA snoopers who now know intimate secrets about them. Their financial deals and trades, their sitting orders to buy or sell, can now be frontrun by NSA snoopers who can give this information to their friends, family, and business associates. The absolute necessity of Privacy to the conduct of the Free-Market has been forever destroyed by a coalition of Liberal Democrats like political commentator John Rothmann, who strongly supported Obama’s reelection, and Fascist Republicans like Lindsey “Cracker” Graham, who doesn’t mind that your Privacy has be destroyed.

However, the real criminals in this case are the people who voted for Obama over anti-Fascist choices like Congressman Ron Paul and Governor Gary Johnson. The Obama Voters have destroyed the Fourth Amendment, the inalienable Right to Privacy that Jefferson so well understood, and Free-Market Capitalism, all by sticking that stylus through the name of Barack Obama in the voting booth. The crimes that they have committed in their private lives and have put online in emails and social media are now stored on vast databanks, waiting to be used against them if they ever threaten the Fascist’s powerstructure. Thanks to their stupidity, faith in government, and lack of political science knowledge, the Obama voters have elevated the Fascist State to a new level of power.

The only benefit of all this is that now a vast swathe of the public has become deeply cynical about Collectivist Politics. They remember that Democrat Party Liberals like Oregon’s Peter DeFazio, Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, who now are making such a big stink about their own privacy being invaded, were the very ones who only a few months ago were urging the people to reelect the Fascist Obama. And they continue to remain in the Fascistic Democratic Party, while the Republican Fascists actually are endorsing this heinous overthrow of the Bill of Rights under the Fascist Obama, showing that they haven’t changed much since the days of the Fascist Bush (the second one), save for the exception of Senator Rand Paul.

With a new Gallop Poll showing only 10% of the public think Congress is doing a good job, the only good news coming out of this is that there is a growing Libertarian revulsion amongst the public against the intrusions of the Fascist State against the Individual and his most intimate secrets. They now feel instinctively that Jefferson was right in saying that government is a necessary evil, but at heart an evil institution, and that its evil can only be kept in check when tied down by the Bill of Rights. But the Democratic Party politicians and voters have put an end to the Bill of Rights, now a part of past History.

The damage done to Privacy and Capitalism is irreparable. Thanks to the Obama Voters and the Bipartisan Fascist Politicians, Human Freedom has been destroyed in America.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Obama and Assad: Blood on Their Hands

April 22, 2011

Well, it looks as if, in 24 hours, both Presidents Obama and Assad of America and Syria have managed to murder innocent civilians, in an equal display of the Ultimate Immorality. Presidents Obama and Assad are murderers of the innocent, but there’s hardly a squeak of protest from the so-called “International Community”, or from the Left, who are usually out with their Israel-equals-a-swastika demonstrations. I guess, when Americans murder innocent Pakistani women and children during their drone strikes, and when Syrian Arabs gun down demonstrators by the scores, it’s time for silence.  Let Israel require checkpoints and build a wall to deter terrorist attacks when she has been attacked tens of thousands of times and her civilians are murdered by the thousands for trying to live on their ancestral homelands, the demonstrators are out in the thousands, and they are attacked as Fascists, but when the Fascist Liberal Democrats murder scores of Pakistani women and children, it’s time to stay home and watch TV. And then, when someone points out his numerous hypocrisies, Obama is defended by the Democrat on the street; hypocrisies  like selling 60 billion dollars worth of military hardware to the Saudi Fascists, or welcoming the Criminal Dictator of China, a man who should be in the dock at Nuremberg, waiting for the noose of Justice (though as Libertarians we should never carry out a death sentence, the Miscreant’s sentences should all be commuted to “life in jail in a box, fed intravenously”). How quickly do Democrats forget the crimes of their leaders! And how unrelenting are they in remembering the crimes of George Dubbyah, since, according to them, he is still responsible for all the things that are going wrong now. But if you are in power, why don’t you correct them in, say, 72 hours? Why was there a mining disaster well into the Administration of Barack Obama, when he was in charge of OSHA, and when it was shown that the mine in question had hundreds of violations against it since he took over the government? And then the Gulf blowout, another example of efficient government environmental regulation. No death penalties followed for the administrators in charge.

President Obama morally taints every American with his immoral drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, since the murder of innocent civilians in order to kill a few guilty terrorists is no justification under international law. So President Obama makes every American an accomplice in immoral murder of women and children, and thus forces on us the moral responsibility of diverting our energies from our own lives, and having, morally, to protest these actions of his, and his Administration. And, of course, this is the foreign policy of Bill and Hilary Clinton, being carried out by their dummy mouthpiece, Barack Obama.

But not only does Obama make all Americans accomplices in murder; he is a peabrain in terms of practical politics. An interview on the BBC had a retired Pakistani general describe the tremendous anger and anti-American resentment that these attacks are arousing in the Pakistani People. Silverwolf wonders how Americans would feel in Pakistani drones were coming in and wiping out little villages in Utah or Nebraska or Texas, and every time one landed, perhaps 10 “American terrorists”, or Americans who objected to the basing of Pakistani troops on American soil, were killed along with 15 women and children. The press would then give you in-depth profiles of some of the women and children killed. Perhaps there would be pictures of heavily bandaged children groaning in hospital beds. How would the stay-at-home moms and the unemployed men and the army veterans react to that? Then you would switch to a shot of the haggard-eyed hag, Mrs. Clinton, now a Pakistani in Islamabad, giving her dry, glib assessment of the situation in that gravely voice that, fortunately for America, lost her the election, though the results were hardly less disastrous. The horrendous price of not electing Ron Paul!

Anyway, the Pakistani general pointed out that, strategically, the US gained very minimally from the militants it killed, but lost far more in public resentment at the loss of civilian life, and the insult to Pakistani nationalist feelings. Of course. Silverwolf thinks this general is dead right. America is losing far more than she gains strategically by loosing her drones. And if America can use drones, well why not China, or Saudi, or Australia, or anybody? Good question. Obama has flushed the International Rule of War down the toilet: Civyys are fair game if you bag a few deer. Disgusting.

Yet this is a minor impediment, compared to the major immorality President Obama has committed by accepting the morality of the Communists and the Nazis: the end justifies the means.

The Libertarian believes just the opposite: the means to social revolution must be moral, and as you probably know by now if you regularly read this blog, the basic moral principle of the Libertarian is this: no man or group of men man aggress against the property rights of any other man. Of course, women are included. ‘Cause we like a pretty face.

As Professor Murray Rothbard, a major theoretician of Libertarianism, pointed out, all “human rights” are ultimately property rights. Libertarians believe you have a property right in your body, so unlawful detention, or slavery, are violations of property rights. And since you have a right to your body, all drug laws, pertaining to the use of drugs that affect no other person, are such violations. (Though, for example, one finds Libertarians on both sides of the DUI-laws issue. Is it a crime only when you have a crash, or is it a crime the moment your vehicle hits the public street, under the justification of reckless endangerment, or is it a crime the moment you start the engine on your own property with the intention of going out on the public street? Food for Libertarian debate.)

 So Obama and Assad have “violated the property rights” of the women and children they have blasted to smithereens in Pakistan and gunned down in Syria, a country that, for some reason, never sees a demonstration against its leaders by those lovers of Freedom and Democracy, the Left and the Liberals in America and Europe. And the same is ditto for Yemen, Bahrain, and on and on… We doubt Professor Rothbard’s keen intellectual insight into Libertarian Theory made much difference to the innocent kids murdered, or the demonstrators gunned down, who will never reach Mrs. Clinton’s advanced age.

The world is full of hypocrites, is it not?

Hooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Rip-A-Roni: The San Francisco City Workers Treat

April 27, 2010

When people look at their paychecks, and see how they are being robbed blind by government, perhaps they should consider the case of the San Francisco City Workers Rip Scheme. Since San Francisco is often considered the ultra-Liberal city, bar none, in America, perhaps it is a model of what a Liberal-Democratic government thinks it should pays its workers.

It was reported today that 9, 487 San Francisco City workers grossed over $100,000 in salary last year, not including benefits. Over 1,000 grossed over $200,000, and 6 grossed over $300,000.

Have you ever seen 9,000 people massed in one area? Or even a thousand. They’re all living the life of Riley off the sweat of the poor people of San Francisco, and the toil of small, Capitalist Businessmen of that City, the real heroes, along with the minimum wage workers, of that Socialist Hell-on-Earth.

And this in a country where the average American’s gross adjusted income on a tax return usually runs between $35-50,000. Tens of millions of Americans live on far less.

See how the Socialists live off you! See how they suck your tax dollars to live a lifestyle of luxury exactly comparable to the lifestyle of the Communist Apparatchiks in Soviet Russia, with their dachas, Marlboros, bad suits and mistresses, while the “Workers Heroes” were down in the coal mines, slogging for good old Mother Russia and Papa Joe. (And they even got a medal too, if they were good boychiks.) Except now it’s America.

To pay public officials such obscenely high salaries in a country where the unions have made it illegal for a starving man, or a transient hobo, to work for less than the $8 or so that the minimum wage is currently in most states, is deeply immoral. While city Liberal bureaucrats collect over a hundred grand in public funds, not including a feather-bed benefit package, they dare to tell the starving man that he cannot take on light work for $7.50 an hour, even though he is desperate for food. Does the immorality and disgusting arrogance of these Liberals and Republicans never cease!

Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, makes $250, 903 in salary a year.Think about that, next time you’re hungry, or five bucks short on your power bill in December and they turn it off, oh praisers of big government, oh lovers of Collectivism.

We need not do anything but watch and wait to see the implosions of Socialism, as it caves in on itself into a black hole. The Socialists, whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans, will run out of money soon, and the taxpayers will not have the wherewithal to pay the bills. It’s that simple. And San Francisco is the classic example of why it will be brought about, and why Liberal Elitists not only don’t know the value of money, but think the public should keep them in the lap of luxury, just because they are Liberals. As if someone who gets up and flaps his lips for a few minutes in the name of the poorest workers is entitled to an income 100 times greater than that poorest worker, who is carrying heavy boxes, or digging ditches, for $8 an hour, forty hours a week. The average city worker in San Francisco makes in one hour roughly what the minimum wage worker, doing hard physical labor, makes in ten hours. And that should be a crime.

All top public officials in America should be paid only the minimum wage. If they were dedicated public servants, they would gladly accept it. If they don’t like it, they should not be in public service through the government. Let them make a living eating cake!

The passive wimps of the Bay Area will continue to let themselves be financially raped and taxed to death so that public officials can continue their easy cozenage and luxuriant lifestyles. If they’re willing to let themselves be exploited, that’s their problem.

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

President Obama and His Liberal Democrats Join the War Criminals Club

April 14, 2010

Well, it did not take long for Barack Obama, the first African-American President in history, to join the ranks of the Wondy Whiterbread War Criminals who have held that office since the days of Kennedy (we won’t go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt or McKinley in the Philippines.) Barack Obama is now in the odious high circles of the other War Criminals who have held the office since those early 60’s: Lyndon Johnson and his entourage, Richard Stinkhouse Nixon, Old “Dutch” Reagan (his mining of the Nicaraguan harbors was technically a War Crime, his actions in Central America an actual one), or Carter, resuming military aid to Dictator Anastasio Somoza on Carter’s last day in office, an action which Silverwolf considers a War Crime, even if the world doesn’t.

With the recent murders of 5 civilians (7 if you count the foetuses of the pregnant women) being covered up by the US and NATO, and blatantly denied for 40 days until a reporter from the London Times, meticulously documenting the facts, showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but actual murderers, the issue of US War Crimes had been gaining attention, in a way which up until now has been poo-pood by Democrats. Anyone who criticized Obama was clearly a racist, and well, let’s just not talk about the war(s).

And then, a few days ago in Khandahar, American troops murdered a group of civilians on a bus, because the bus driver failed to stop at a checkpoint, as Obama and his Liberal Democratic Warmongers decide to spread the War into Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Liberal Democrats knew very well, when they voted for Obama, that they were voting for a continued occupation and intrusion into the internal affairs of these countries at enormous cost to American lives and treasure. They knew very well that they were just speeding the bankruptcy of America, and were sending for certain more young men and women to their deaths. They had a clear choice in Congressman Ron Paul, who stated emphatically that he would begin to withdraw US forces immediately as quickly as was safe for the troops. But it was more important for the Liberal Democrats to keep their welfare checks, even if the price was a continued presence in the Middle East, and even if it meant murdering more Afghani and Paki kids.

The Liberal Democratic butchers, who directly murdered the two pregnant women, the 18-year old girl, the police officer, and his bodyguard, by voting into office Barack Obama, are completely responsible for every murder of every civilian in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. If the terror that is being inflicted on Muslims by America’s Liberal Democrats were being inflicted on those same Liberal Democrats at home, we would suddenly hear holy hosannas of why these occupations must stop, and enough is enough! That’s exactly what we heard when we hear the screams of “Bush murderer!” coming from every Liberal for the last several years of the Bush Administration. But now the screamers are silent, even though the situation is exactly the same, only the murdered victims are new, as well as the murderers, who are now your sainted Liberal Democrats, not Bush Republicans.

Silverwolf was reminded of this monumental hypocrisy last night when he listened to that Liberal/Left Propaganda show, Late Night Live, broadcast to America via shortwave, thanks to the (willing and unwilling) taxpayers of Australia.  Host Phillip Adams, who was always scathing and cynical when it came to George Bush in Iraq, was having his usual Left/Liberal favorite “intellectual” on, Bruce Shapiro, who is also a high-up editor at “The Nation” magazine, a bastion of the FDR big-government-spending crew, and (how conveniently) head of the Dart Center for Journalism at Columbia University, one of those thousands and thousands of schools that mulct the public out of their money by received loot through the Department of Education. (Of course, “intellectuals”, in such a society are very circumspect in their criticisms of the government, because it is the same government that is feeding  them very nicely through its subsidies to the institutions that employ them. Thus, all the “experts” who never get to the root of a problem, because to solve the problem would be to radically uproot an existing government program — and their paychecks. And recall, that “radical” refers to tearing up “at the roots” (and undoubtedly where we get the word “radish” from.))

The murders of a dozen civilians because American troops decided to shoot up a bus full of women and kids, along with a simultaneous release in Australia of an Apache helicopter video, showing US pilots gunning down two journalists (perhaps that hit home with journalists Shapiro and Adams the way the murder of a civilian kid wouldn’t), and this coming a week after the London Times showed the Americans and NATO to be not only baldfaced liars, but cunning murderers who would dig the bullets out of pregnant women’s bodies, and the walls, to cover up their crime — all these are the direct result of every person who voted for the Democrats in the last election, and all the political pundits and propagandists, the Ray Taliaferros, John Rothmanns, Gene Burnses, Alan Dershowitzes,  Gore Vidals and Bruce Shapiros, who worked assiduously to get this War Criminal into a position of power. And they have succeeded. They have murdered their first civilians.

Of course, to dodge the column, Shapiro grandiloquently talked about the “mistakes” that could be made in “these kinds of operations”. He talked about the “dangers” for the Obama Administration, that these situations “could” present. And we always must be “aware of the pitfalls” that ground operations “may” present.

He never mentioned, as Ron Paul did, that these “mistakes” are inevitable. It’s just not you, Bruce, who has to eat the consequences. It’s some Paki kid, or pregnant woman, whom you’ll never see the corpse of. Nor will those “Minnesota nice” Liberal Democrats, defending Saint Obama.

Yes, those pitfalls, and mistakes, and dangers are a problem for the President. But, Mr. Shapiro, for those civilians who were killed it was not “a problem”, or “a mistake” or even a “pitfall”; rather, it was the end of their earthly existence forever. That was your and your fellow Democrat’s gift to them when you voted, and urged voting for, Barack Obama: Death.

You see, when Bush was in office, it was plain “murder” the Liberals were talking about, but now they are in, and doing the killing, it”s “mistakes”, “dangers”, “pitfalls”, that “might” occur.

No, we knew they “would” occur before the election, and so did the Liberal Democrats, but it was more important for them to keep getting their Commie benefit packages that they knew would be coming if Obama was elected, even if it meant getting thousands of civilians half-way around the world murdered, and millions upon millions of civilians having to live in terror and having their lives turned into pure misery for years on end.

And what a recruiting bonanza for the IslamoFascists! Could they have better allies than War Criminal Barack Obama, and all the War Criminals in the Democratic Party who voted for him, and approved his Military Budget of over 600 Billion dollars, like Liberal Democrat Peter DeFazio? Not if they were Louis Farrakhan himself.

No, the Liberal Democrats and the President have massive amounts of civilian blood on their hands, and they can’t weasel out of it. It is they who are directly responsible for those murders in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are butchers. And it is only those of us who voted for Ron Paul, the Peace Candidate, for the Presidency of these United States, who could have saved those civilians from certain death.

I wonder how all you Liberals sleep tonight, knowing you took the blood of so many children when you went into that voting booth and voted for Barack Obama, instead of Ron Paul or Bob Barr, who would have both brought the troops home immediately.?You voters, you Congressmen who voted funds for these operations, and the President, Barack Obama, are directly responsible for mass civilian murder.

And why is no Liberal in the Streets? Why is it that phony Liberals like Gore Vidal, who virtually called Bush a Hitler, are not out protesting at the White House? Why are the streets of LA and NY and SF silent? Is it because murder and War Crimes carried out by a Republican are evil, but War Crimes carried out by a Liberal Democrat President and a Liberal Democrat Congress don’t stink to high heaven? Hypocrites! You have turned America into a cesspool, financially and morally. You are a curse on this body politic.

To the Streets! To the Barricades! Let the voice of the Peace Movement be heard, and it looks like the only Peace Movement in America comes from the “Right”, the Right of Ron Paul and the anti-war Libertarians.

Out now! Impeach War Criminal Barack Obama! Ron Paul for President!

Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Pathetics Row, KGO, San Francisco

January 26, 2010

It comes as no surprise to Silverwolf that the economic and political ignorance in the San Francisco Bay Area can elect charlatans and charlatanettes like Speaker Pelosi, Gavin Nuisance, and Willie His Royal Highness Brown, when he considers the pathetic line-up of economic and political pablum that is served up most nights on radio station KGO. While the station  maintains a nominal adherence to a wide panoply of political prejudices, its typical night is liberally sprinkled with Liberal and so-called Moderate Demagogucrats, the folks that have been working so hard to brainwash the American public into the lie that there is a principled difference between the Dems and Repubs. Considering that these people are being paid good, soft, unsound, U.S. federal reserve notes to flap their lips for a ten hours, its a shame that it is done in the cause of obfuscating the understanding of the American public, instead of leading it into the light.

In reverse order of appearance, we start off with that former Republican, now longtime super-Liberal Ray Taliaferro. Silverwolf has long ago discussed his reverse racist hypocrisy during the presidential campaign of ’08 (that’s 2008 for you historians of the future). But to now hear Taliaferro have to come up with nightly justifications of Obama’s obvious Fascism, and to hear him completely ignore or gloss over Obama’s vicious assaults on Habeas Corpus, his promotion of involuntary servitude in the form of a national service requirement, his escalation of the war, and his utter kowtowing to the corporate interests in America, as if he were not part of them, is really a disgusting display of sin by omission by Taliaferro. The years of whining about Cheney and Bush have given way to a deafening silence as Obama continues essentially the exact same policies as Bush, and fulsome praise when Obama occasionally gets one right. When it comes to political integrity, Taliaferro is completely lacking. Another running dog for the corporate Fascists, who worked extremely hard during the campaign to put their agent in power. Thanks Ray for the War and the Fascism. Looks like you were wrong again, and we who supported the Peace and Civil Rights candidate, Ron Paul, were right. Again.

Next up is that master of political obfuscation, John Rothmann. Now, Rothmann is an interesting speaker, and has many cogent political observations to make. His choice of topics too is usually highly topical. But since guessingly 80% of his callers are preaching to the choir, their quality of economic analysis is usually lacking. Typically, some woman who seems to know exactly what is wrong with every aspect of the government, will call in and tell us that profit needs to be taken out of the medical profession, the usual leftist call that would lead to a horrendous shortage of doctors and nurses. One wonder why else people would go through the arduous horrors of medical school, and the arduous discipline of maintaining a surgery, or are doctors supposed to be saints, and not be interested in money, unlike every other working person in this society, from the bus driver to the plumber, who is working solely for the profit motive? And there are no shortages of busdrivers and plumbers.

Of course wrong-way Rothmann has been pushing the Clinton corporate-healthcare bill as “better than nothing”. Rothmann uses the Marxist/LBJ argument that if they can just get their foot in the door with this new massive intrusion of the government into the most private lives of the citizenry, that it can be expanded later and made even more intrusive when the political climate is more responsive. Well, Ron Paul warned us this was exactly what the Collectivists would attempt, so we saw this forkball coming and dropping, a la Elroy Face. Rothmann, ensconced in his Bay Area  Liberal cocoon, completely missed the vast anger that welled up in the American public at the Townhall meetings, an anger generated by that public suddenly realizing that this new healthcare boondoggle that the Democrats were forcing down their throats as fast as they could be induced to swallow it, was going to choke a lot of folks to death, economically speaking. No, Rothmann’s only wish was to get this massive new inflationary program underway, no matter how bad it was, because that is part of the agenda that Rothmann believes should be part of government. He talks about a “flexible” Constitution; you can see why it is so essential to talk thusly, because the Constitution was designed exactly to prevent the kind of government impositions on the Citizens that this Healthcare Bill imposes.

It shouldn’t surprise us that wrong-way Rothmann was on the staff of, and supported, Richard Nixon when he was in the White House, but finally woke up, and supported George McGovern. One must wonder about the native intelligence of Rothmann, who is a virulent anti-Nazi for obvious reasons, when one considers that Nixon was instrumental in getting key Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators into America, where most of them lived happily for several decades. Yet Rothmann was on the staff of this anti-Semite. Thirty years later, and Rothmann, in spite of all his political exposure and knowledge of American history, is still on the wrong side of the fence. Well, at least he and Silverwolf stand shoulder-to-shoulder in our opposition to that most fundamental abridgment of Libertarian values, the Death Penalty, or legalized judicial murder carried out by the Leviathan State.  Rothmann, to his credit, has long argued against this abomination, as has Silverwolf. But we have yet to convince the whole world.

Perhaps most pathetic of all the contestants in Pathetics Row is Gene Burns, if only because Burns had the most to promise, but seems to have burned it. Burns, whose political positions seem very similar to Rothmann’s, was once a Libertarian, and was, in fact, seriously considered as a powerful candidate from that party for the presidency. Listen to Murray Rothbard as he praised Burns back around 1990 as a great speaker, and an up and coming light in Libertarianism. What happened?

Now Burns seems to be nothing more than an Obama and Democratic apologist, ignoring, like Taliaferro, all the horrendously anti-Libertarian legislation (indefinite prolonged detention without charge) that our anti-Constitutionalist new President has floated in his speeches to make these abominations more palatable. Obama is a master of the propaganda of the word; like Clinton he uses words to create impressions which he can then backtrack on by saying he meant something else, and that his words had been misconstrued.

A mountain of bullscat, and these Democratic apologists act as if it’s a bed of roses. How pathetic!

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwww! — Silverwolf

War Crimes in Afghanistan: Obama Laughs It Off

May 12, 2009

The latest media buzz is about how wonderfully funny President Obama was at the White House Press Corp’s dinner the other evening. Coming a few days after President Obama and his Democratic Administration killed 147 civilians in a bombing raid in Afghanistan, it illustrates the complete callousness and indifference of the President to the mass murder he is carrying out. Though President Karzai requested that the U.S. end it’s bombing raids in his country, he was politely told to stick it. No head of a sovereign nation is going to tell our wonderful, peace-loving President not to bomb their civilians into eternity, even though it is a War Crime under established International Law. Like it or lump it.

Moreover, since under the Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war, one wonders at the lack of protest by Liberals at the President’s waging war on his own initiative, without Congress voting on a Declaration. But let’s not let a little thing like the U.S. Constitution get in the way of our committing War Crimes. After all, it’s an anachronism, just like Congressman Ron Paul, who is so old fashioned, he actually believes in the Rule of Law.

And what of the Liberal media? Any hint of protest? No. Bruce Shapiro, on his weekly paean of praise for the President on Phillip Adams’ Radio Australia program, LNL, didn’t even mention an event that he surely would have cited as another example of Bush’s warmongering, if Bush were still President. But, as an editor at the Liberal rag, the Nation, he’s surely not going to point out the War Crimes of the man he has been praising for over a year, and whom he helped to elect. Anyway, what counts for Shapiro in the last week is not the agony of women and children terrorized, bombed into shards of flesh, and burned with white phosphorus, but that the President knows how to tell a joke, and laugh at himself. Yes, a real man of the people is our Chief Executive.

Once again, a Democratic Administration is committing War Crimes, and once again, the Democrats are as silent as sheep. No demonstrations from the Left in the Streets, though they helped to put him in office with his chant of “Change”, after which he quickly proceeded to install the whole archaic superstructure of the Clinton Regime.

America once more has blood on its hands,  thanks to the Liberal Democrats. They think they can wash it away with a few laughs.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww!— Silverwolf

President Obama and The Liberal Democrats: Starving the Third World

March 12, 2009

The announcement several days ago by IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn that the world is entering a “Great Recession”, and that the funding arrangements of the world’s more advanced economies will crowd out borrowing by poorer Third World countries, is dire news indeed for the impoverished  of Asia and Africa. The selfish dollar-grab of the Democrats, and their Quisling allies in the Republican Party, like Senators Snowe (job) and Collins, in order to maintain the profligate and self-indulgent lifestyle so many Democratic corporate-welfare parasites have come to enjoy under the Clinton-Bush Socialism, is going to force desperately poor countries like Vietnam and the Philippines to have to offer very high interest rates to attract the capital their governments need. Indeed, it will become impossible,according to the IMF Chief,  as the voracious greed of the Democrats suck up every dollar they can find in the world in order to fund their massive Stimulus Bill, their Bank Bailout Bill, their Farm and Ethanol Subsidies, their Stimulus checks, their auto industry bailouts, their insurance industry bailouts, their Fannie and Freddie bailouts, their ramping up of the war in Afghanistan, their “residual” 50,000 man occupation force in Iraq (of course, honest Obama is withdrawing), and the several hundred-billion dollars Americans are forced to waste each and every year defending the well-fed Socialists of Northern Europe, Japan, and South Korea.

In the rush to grab dollars from anywhere, or print them up and pass the burden on to those fetuses just being born into the slave state of America, the Democrats seem to care little that they are literally going to starve millions of Africans and Asians to death, and drive countless women into prostitution in South East Asia. There seems to be very little concern indeed amongst American Blacks, who like to refer now to themselves as African-Americans, for the actual Africans who are going to starve or go without healthcare, in order than those same American Blacks can continue to receive their benefits. Nor has there been any acknowledgement amongst them that the farm subsidies which the Democratic Party, along with farmbelt Republican Collectivists,  so overwhelmingly support, have been starving African kids to death for decades, by driving local African farmers out of business, due to the Socialist price supports than the American government gives to mostly very wealthy American farmers (according to a USDA publication, the average income of farm subsidy recipients in 2004 was $199,500/yr with 80% of the farmers having incomes above the national average). There seems to be as much solidarity amongst Black people on Planet Earth as there was amongst Whites who called themselves Frenchmen and Germans throughout two world wars. Let’s get over the myth that skin color means much more than skin color.

Silverwolf condemns the callous and murderous selfishness of the Democratic Party, as it starves the poor women and children of Asia and Africa to death.

Do these Democrats have any grain of decency left in them?

Hoooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf

Governor Corzine Goes From Libertarian to Fascist: Gary Null and The Mandatory Vaccination Program

November 23, 2008

Silverwolf, in an effusive, perhaps overdone, blog of last year, praised the State of New Jersey and Governor Corzine for abolishing the Death Penalty, and grandiloquently described him as a “Hammer of the Collectivist Malefactor”. However, the recent legislation making mandatory vaccinations a requirement for attending public schools, is one of the most bogus and Fascistic of programs imaginable, and the fact that most parents comply out of ignorance or fear, putting their children at risk of horrendous maimings, in order to make State-guaranteed profits for the vaccine-producing pharmaceutical companies, shows what a mealy-mouthed bunch of pushovers the American public has become in the face of Draconian government interventions in the Bill of Rights.

This was all made clear by Dr. Gary Null, PhD., when he spoke before a rally on October 16, 2008, on the steps of the New Jersey State Legislature. Null was scathing and unrelenting in his attacks, and it was obvious from the speech, that the real person who deserves Silverwolf’s coveted title of “Hammer of the Collectivist Malefactor” is Gary Null, and not Governor Corzine, a former Wall Street Banker turned Liberal Democratic Politician, who is so immoral that he, and his state government apparatus, will subject tens of thousands of children to possible maiming and autism. Since Dr. Null said it so much better that Silverwolf has, one would direct the reader to his speech, available on youtube. He points out, for example, that measles had decline by 98% from 1838 until the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963. The incidence of other major diseases for which mandatory vaccines were introduced, had also declined by similar amounts over 90%. These declines were due to public health measures like pasteurization of milk, public sanitation and water quality, and better nutrition, not due to the vaccines. Dr. Null also quotes verbatim various recognized experts in the established medical community who said they would not want their children or grandchildren given the very vaccines which their contemporaries and the government say are safe. The fact that this magnificent, fact-filled speech, has only received a little over 2,000 hits in five weeks, shows that the American public is ripe for a Nazi-Stalinist regime, telling it what to do about every little and major detail of its life.

So remember, America, the New Jersey legislature is a bastion of Liberal Democratic power. And look what these miscreants are willing to expose your children to, by force and coercion. Morally, these people are just trash, and one should never vote for their ilk. They have forced those who did want their children to attend public schools, or who don’t have the means to send them to private school, to homeschool their children, on top of working a job, or subject their children to possible horrendous side-effects, and contamination with monkey virus and mercury.

And so Silverwolf must sadly withdraw the premature kudos he placed on the New Jersey Legislature and Governor Corzine as being Libertarian Revolutionaries. They have turned out to be the same old immoral Collectivist Fascists, just like the rest.

And Silverwolf must re-bestow his award for “Hammer of the Collectivist Malefactor” on Dr. Gary Null. His courageous voice in defence of Human Liberty and Human Life, and in defending the children from the almost-Hitlerian miscreants who would use their bodies as guinea pigs, and drug them to keep them pacified in the horrendously boring public schools — this voice will not be forgotten by Libertarian Wolves.

Hoooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! — Silverwolf